Chpt 7:

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Harrys POV:

"so harry the reason why I sent you down was because, I wanted to talk about our relationship" she said "ok" I said "so, I wanted wanted to know, is our relationship going to last? Or " she asked "uh, yeah, I guess" I said "oh? You guess" she asked "yea" I said "Well, if it is, can you tell me why your acting weird?" she asked "I'm not acting weird" I said "oh, then why have you been rude and have been leaving home" "OK that was only one! And it was because of you!" I said "Me? I'm the one trying to fix our relationships!" she yelled "by asking me question!?!" I yelled "Harry, do you want us to last" she asked "NOT EVERY RELATIONSHIPS LAST!!" I yelled "yea but I'm talking about us" she said, a bit hurt, I looked at her and got up, furiously "Selena, I'm not going to say anything" I said walking away "WHY NOT!!" she asked tempted and a bit sad "BECAUSE- I don't want to hurt your feelings" I said "So it's me.?" she asked "Yes, no, I don't know"? I said confused "well, do you want to be together, or is this not working out?" she asked "I don't know, I've never fought this much before" I said "so..." she said crying "were done?" she asked, "I- I don't know" I said, she started to have a runny nose "Harry, if you never fought this much, then" "No, maybe we can get through this..." I said, she was shaking her head looking down "I don't think" "Yes, yes we can lets get through this"I said "how, you can't tell me anything" she said, I sighed

I felt like telling her but I couldn't, I'd break her heart, "Selena, I'm sorry, i can't tell you, I'd break your heart" i said "if you can't tell me then we should break up" "NO! I'll tell you" i said "ok" she said cleaning her tears " i can't live..." i said, i looked at her big brown eyes and realized i couldn't lie to her, but i couldn't tell the truth either "i can't live in a mess, and this- this house is to messy" I said "that's it?" she asked "yep." I said "well harry, if the house is to messy, you could have told me" she said a bit happier

Ok, I lied but I could tell the truth, I'd hurt her a lot, and I couldn't let that happen, i do feel a bit bad, I mean were dating we don't lie to each other that's not us but at least she's not heart broken

"I'll start cleaning, just for you, and harry thanks you" she said "for what?" I asked "for telling me the truth, no guy has ever told me the truth, i love you" she said "what? You love me?" i asked "yep" she said giving me a kiss,

Well great now I feel even more bad, oh my goodness Selena why are you too sweet

"I love you too" I said, she gave me a hug and started to clean. I went to take my stuff upstairs

Selena's POV:

I feel so much better that harry isn't hiding anything from me no more, I'm glad we got everything together, I have the best boyfriend ever

Harrys POV:

I put my things on the bed, as I felt my phone vibrate, I checked and it was the same guy, it said

'Is Selena, for real? She really wants you! She's desperate, leave her'

I got furious so I messaged back

'Ok, who are you bastard!!"

'Just and old friend of yours from high school, I know Selena to' it said

'why are you messaging me? How'd you get this number' i asked

'phone book?' it said

'dump Selena's, dump Selena, dump Selena, DUMP SELENA!!' it said

'Fuck you! What's your name you fucker!?' i asked

'Wouldn't you like to know?' it said

'Yes, actually i said

He/she didn't write back, what a bitch! Got to delete these messages before Selena sees them. I deleted every message from him/her and went back down


This is for friidaay! :D:D Hope you guys like it!! Talk to you guys next week!! :D Vote&Comment!! :)

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