Chpt 18:

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Harrys POV:

i paid the man and told him to go, and fast. He then looked at me and smiled, i gave him a tip then walked up to the black jeep, i went behind it seeing the big black van, i heard a creek from behind me, i turned around and it was coming from the cabin. I walked up to it, and then heard a door slam shut, i turned around and saw kendall stading up the door looking around, probably looking for me.

I looked to the cabin then back at the jeep, i wentto the jeep and hide behind it, i heard branckes crunching and rocks being kicked, i looked under the car and saw that she wasnt their. I turned around and flashed out

1 Hour later:

Kendalls POV:

I was sharpening my knife until i heard groaning, i turned around and saw harry getting up, i got up slowly and went up to him "took you long enough to wake up, didnt it?" i asked, i pointed the knife up his chin, softly. I didnt want to hurt him until selena was here, i lift his chin up with the knife so that he is now staring at me, he gave me a dirty glare.

I removed the knife from his chin, "i dont like that glare, harry" i said, he looked at me breathing heavily "change it" i said, he looked to the ground then back up at me, with an even worser glare "CHANGE IT!!!" i yelled smacking his across the face, he was facing the other side then turning his face slowly towards me "uhm, do you know why i messaged you to come here?" i asked, he spit out blood "why am i bleeding?" he asked "the hit in the head must have made you gag on some blood, NOW! do you know WHY i sent you here?" i asked "no, but i bet your going to tell me" he said, i looked towards him "for some revenge" i said "how old are you?" he asked spitting out more blood "5?" he finished "harry, DONT you be a smart ass with me!!" i said "i sent you here because i want you to see ME torture selena" i said, he looked up a bit more mad "Where did you put her?" he asked "somewhere you'll never now" i said

Harrys POV:

I got more mad that she mentioned selena, i want to know where she is "Bring her in" kendall yelled, i then look towards the door that was opening and saw Ariana, selena....and luke! "LUKE!" i yelled "missed me?" he asked "YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!" i yelled "GET ME OUT OF THIS CHAIR!! ILL TEACH YOU A FUCKING LESSON!!!" i yellled "no, no, save that for later" kendall said, i sat more calmer, as i saw them sit selena on a chair tying her up, selena looked up at me with tears going down black left eye "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER" i yelled "oh nothing, just a little hits thats all, but not from me, from your old friend ariana" kendall said "ariana? WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!" i yelled towards her "not only ariana, but luke too" kendall said "SHES A FUCKING GIRL! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF THIS CHAIR HERE!!" i yelled "not yet!" kendall shouted "YOU BASTARDS I TRUSTED YOU, ALL OF YOU, ESPECIALLLY YOU ARIANA!! YOUR A BITCH!!" i yelled 

Selenas POV:

i wanted to say something but my mouth was taped, i tried murmuring, as they all looked at me "Take the tape off her mouth, you idiot!" kendall yelled, ariana ran up to me and ripped the tape of my mouth, i screamed as i holded the rest in "you were saying?" kendall asked me, i looked up to kendall "let him go! its me you want!!" i yelled "no selena!! if your going to be through this, im going through this with you" harry said to my softly "harry, dont, its me they want, not you" "SHUT UP!! the both of you will be watch eachother suffer...which is my favorite part....starting with YOU harry" kendall said facing towards harry, she went up to harry and started to smack him in the face, "luke come help me!" kendall said, luke went up to harry "LUKE! NOOO!!" i yelled as he started to hit him "LUKE STOP!! DONT!! DONT HIT HIM!!! STOP!!!!" i yelled starting to cry, ariana looked towards me as i was crying, i looked up to her "please help him" I whispered to her, she looked kind of like she felt bad, she looked at kendall and luke beating harry up, as i could hear him moan in pain and the punched hitting harrys body "STOP!!" ariana yelled, luke stopped as kendall stopped to look at ariana with dirty glares, kendalls hand reached for the back of her and slowly took out her gun, and aimed it towards ariana "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?!?!?! DONT!!" i yelled as she pulled the trigar, as i saw ariana fall to the ground






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