~Chapter 7: Results~

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Seolhyun and Jackson walked in with me, and I grabbed the test. "The results are..." I heard something outside the door, and I didn't look at the results. I put my finger on my lips, telling Seolhyun and Jackson to be quiet. I reached the door, and a split second later I yanked the door open, and saw all of BTS falling immediately after. "Hehe... sorry..." Jimin said and I just sighed and kicked them all back to the living room.

I had sent Jackson to keep an eye on them, and so Seolhyun and I were going to find out before Jackson. "Ok... now the results are..." I flipped the test over, and it was... positive... I stood there in shock, and so did Seolhyun. It was my first time, is that even possible? I was brought out of my trance by Seolhyun quietly squealing.

"Jackson! Come here!" I heard Jackson running, and once again he ran into the wall. "What is it with you and running into walls?" I asked, and giggled immediately after. "What are the results?" He asked, breathless. "Positive!" Seolhyun squealed extremely loud.

Jackson stood there in a trance, seeming to have trouble processing what positive meant. "Does that mean...?" Jackson asked. "THAT MEANS Y/N IS PREGNANT!" Seolhyun screamed, still too excited. I heard two pairs of feet running into the hall, and I looked to see Jungkook and Yoongi. Jungkook had a surprised look on his face and Yoongi... he looked dead inside. "Y-Y/N? Pregnant?" Jungkook asked. "Yes!" Jackson said happily. I laughed at how Jackson was acting. "Was it ra-" before Jungkook finished his sentence I cut him off. "NO IT WASN'T!"

I had told all the boys and most of them were happy, except for Yoongi. Jungkook was just running around the house screaming "MY SISTER IS PREGNANT!" over and over. V on the other hand... his screams... were... "MY BOYFRIEND'S SISTER IS PREGNANT!" and Jungkook immediately denied being his boyfriend. We had this huge celebration, and at one point Jackson ushered me out of the room to tell the others something. Apparently Namjoon already knew, so he kept me away from the door.

"Hey Joonie..." I started, hoping to try to get his opinion on me being pregnant. "Yes?" He responded. "You're not... disappointed, are you? I mean, with me and Jackson's child..." I asked. I wanted to know how Namjoon would react, knowing him as the father figure over everyone. "I'm not really... disappointed about the kid, if you want me to be honest. What I really disappointed about is how even though you knew each other a long time ago, and finally reunited and are having a baby, it's really about how you're 19 and probably not all that prepared for it, and to top that off, you guys aren't even married. I mean, I know you're going to turn 20 before you have the baby, and you have this house, and a bunch of friends to help, but... what if something were to go wrong?" He paused, looking at me.

"Go wrong? How?" I asked. "Well, you and Jackson aren't married, therefore he could technically leave you and not have to sign divorce papers. Got7 have plenty of enemies, and if they find out about you they won't hesitate to kill you, and if they find out you're pregnant, they will wait til you have the baby, then kill you. When Jackson finds out you're dead, he'll try to save the baby, and then the enemy will probably kill the baby. Or simpler matters, you could just miscarry or something." All of that hit me pretty hard. I don't want this baby to die at all, but abortion will kill it and I'll have to live with that, or if his enemies get me and kill the baby... I let out a heavy sigh, and put my hands on my stomach. Nothing will happen to you, I promise.

"Well... change of topic, how do the boys feel about the addition to the family?" I asked. Namjoon chuckled, and decided to respond after a minute. "Well, Jin feels like he's getting old, and he's surprised about being a grandma this early. J-hope is obviously excited, along with Jungkook and V. Jimin is only excited because he's going to finally be taller than someone and because he really loves kids, along with V." I noticed he left someone out. "How about Yoongi, Joon?" I asked. "Yoongi... he really wonders how you got over him so quick, just by someone else coming back into your life. He's really disappointed about the baby not being his. He always bragged about being with you, and how he planned to propose to you and have a family. Now he's seeing that happen, but it's not him. He's locked himself in his room for the past while now, and once he heard you were found, that was the only reason he came out.

"Once he came out, he had dark circles under his eyes, they were red and puffy as if he had been crying, his cheeks were red, his voice was hoarse, and he looked absolutely terrible. He was hoping that you would at least be happy to see him at all, even if you really hated him because of Seolhyun. He was going to ask for forgiveness and a second chance, and now he sees you with someone else, he can't do that. The most he can do is ask for forgiveness and to at least be friends. It's still gonna hurt him for awhile to see you with his leader's best friend, someone he's close to." Namjoon finished, and damn I never knew I could affect him to that measure.

Jackson finally said we could come back in, and everyone was acting suspicious, giant smiles on their faces, whispering to each other while looking at me, and I didn't like it. "Jackie, what's going on?" I asked. "Well, if you go to our bedroom and read the puzzle, solve it, and read the directions, you'll see." He said, a giant smile on his face as well.

I went to our bedroom, and I saw a note on the pillow. He said to solve the puzzle, then read the directions... I picked up the note and it said: "What is 'Well' when the vowel is changed to i?" Easy, Will. I read the directions and it told me to go to the fridge in the kitchen.

When I reached the fridge, I saw a magnet holding the next note up. This one said: "What is the missing letter? Q r s t _ v w x y z." I ran through the alphabet in my head and the missing letter was U. The directions then told me to go to the garden in the backyard, and so I did.

I saw the next note laying on the white roses, also my favorite flowers. I picked it up, and yet again, another puzzle note. This time, it read: "What is the insect that pollinates flowers, and is yellow and black? A bumble___"  this one was easy as well. Bee. The next set of directions told me to go to the game room.

I reached the game room, the next note sitting on my phone that was plugged into the wall. This note read: "Something you always say when I take this; 'Give me __ phone!' " I always tell him 'Give me my phone' so the answer is my. The next directions told me to go to the studio/music room.

I reached the music room, and saw the note on a Panic! At the Disco record, also my favorite band. The note said: "What is the full name of this song? 'Miss _______'" My Favorite song, Miss Jackson. The note told me to go to my favorite spot, the balcony.

I reached the balcony, and saw the note on the railing. Expecting it to be another puzzle, I prepared myself for another random question. What I didn't expect was what the note said this time: "Take all of the answers and put them in order in a sentence, once you've done that, turn around." I took my time for each of the answers in order.





Miss Jackson

I turned around and saw Jackson on one knee, holding a ring, and I gasped. "So Y/N, will you be my Miss Jackson and marry me?"


Haha cliffhanger! Anyways, what do u think about this chapter? I hope it was good! Leave ur opinions in the comments, I want to know what I need to change and what I need to add, etc. I know it got dark with the conversation with Namjoon but I wanted an unexpected turn in this story so... BAIII~!

[DISCONTINUED] She WHAT?! || Yoongi X Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now