~Chapter 9: The Talk~

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When I walk into his room, it's a mess. Clothes are everywhere, bottles of whiskey, soju, vodka, and more are everywhere, his bed isn't made, his songbook is in the trash, but the pictures Yoongi and I took together are still hung up on the wall. I turned to look at Yoongi, and the boys weren't kidding when they said he looked like a wreck. His hair was messed up badly, his darkest clothes are on, and his eyes were red and puffy.

"Listen... I'm sorry I was quick to run away, I just got mad and... wasn't thinking. Yesterday, when I was almost asleep, Taehyung came into the room and told me everything, and I don't think he realized I was awake. I also didn't realize Jackson was such a dick, if I would've known I would've never even looked at him. And about Seolhyun, I forgive you. Tae told me that she was secretly cheating on you, so I mean... it's only fair. I would just like to say I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and everyone else." I explained as soon as the door closed, and I hugged him afterwards.

He stood there for a second, paralyzed. "You have no reason to apologize to me. Everything that I got, I deserved. After all, Karma is a bitch." He responded with a raspy voice. "How about we go get you all fixed up and clean, and we'll go out to eat with the boys? That sound good?" I asked, already trying to detangle his hair. "Sounds good. I'll go get changed, and you can wait right outside the door." He said. I nodded and started to walk to the door. "And also, Y/N?" I paused as he called for me. "Yes?" "About the second chance... do you mean it?" He asked. "Of course, do you want to be my boyfriend again?" I asked. "That would be great, jagiya." He responded with a smile almost as bright as Hobi. "On one condition," I added, "you have to get rid of Seolhyun." I said. "Agreed!" And then, we became a couple once more.

Sorry that this is a short chapter. I'll be updating more since school is out but I might do a face reveal next chapter!!!

[DISCONTINUED] She WHAT?! || Yoongi X Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now