A Doctor in the House

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Google was sitting on the couch in the living room, when he realized that Wilford should have been up by this point. Fearing that he was up to something destructive, he headed up to the man's room. He knocked gently on the door and when he heard only a low groan in response, he pushed the door open. Wilford was laying in bed, with his blankets haphazardly tangled around him. "Morning Wilford." He wandered closer. "You are not up yet?"

Wilford glanced up at him, eyes still half lidded, his hair matted to his forehead in dampness and his breathing laboured. Google waited a few moments for a response that never came before heading to Dark's office. He was disappointed to find it empty and checked his schedule to find that he was working on a project to try and win over Mark's fans. He was going to be out of the house all day. Wandering into the kitchen, Google found Bim having his morning coffee and watching King out the window. "Something is wrong with Wilford." Google sighed.

Bim looked over his shoulder and frowned. "What is, haunted by memories of the past?"

"I do not know..." Google tilted his head. "This is strange."

"Where is he?" Bim asked, turning and set his mug on the table.

"His bedroom." Google answered, watching as Bim passed him to head upstairs, then he quickly followed.

Bim leaned in the doorway, watching the man in the bed. "Wilford?" He asked. Wilford groaned softly, rolling his head to stare at him groggily. "Hey..." Bim wandered over, gently smoothing Wilford's damp hair away from his forehead. "He's... sick." Bim mumbled, glancing at Google. "Get Dr. Iplier."

Google nodded, walking down the hall to knock on the doctor's door. "One moment please, the doctor is out of the office today." Came a strained voice, which was clearly Dr. Iplier attempting to sound feminine. "Shut up nurse!" Came his regular voice. "Yes, come in."

Google rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Dr. Iplier, Wilford-"

"I'm all booked on appointments today." Dr. Iplier muttered. "Tell Will he'll have to wait, and to make his own damn appointments."

"He is in bed. He is sick." Google explained.

Dr. Iplier glanced up and sighed. "So get him some soup."

"Very sick." Google urged.

Shaking his head, Dr. Iplier got up and followed Google back to Wilford's room. Pulling the stethoscope from around his neck he walked over, placing the buds in his ears. He leaned over, placing the drum end to Wilford's chest. He glanced up at Bim and then Google. "He's dying."

Bim grunted. "This is serious, doctor."

"Maybe I'm being serious. Have you ever seen Will this out of it?" Dr. Iplier muttered.

Bim's eyes widened. "Are you actually saying that he's really dying?"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Probably not, but his lungs don't sound good."

"What does that mean?" Bim muttered.

"He might have pneumonia." Dr. Iplier sat down on the edge of the bed, placing the stethoscope drum under Wilford, against his back.

Google produced a soft buzzing noise, followed by, "Symptoms of pneumonia... chest pain when you breathe or cough, confusion or changes in mental awareness in adults over 65, cough which may produce phlegm, fatigue, fever, sweating, shaking chills, lower body temperature in adults over 65, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea and shortness of breath."

Dr. Iplier pulled the buds out of his ears and stared at Google. "Shut up, nurse." He muttered at the android, before he stood. "Let me grab a thermometer. I need to know what his actual temperature is."

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