A Movie Night

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"It's movie night, Jim!" Reporter Jim grinned at the camera. "What a time to be alive!"

"If ya'll 'report' on the movie again, I'm sticking that camera where the sun don't shine." Ed muttered, and Reporter Jim gasped.

Bim chuckled, shaking his head. "He's all talk."

Ed glared at Jim. "I'm not all talk. Don't make a peep when the movie starts."

"The Jims were afraid and would not talk during the movie, especially after Wilford had thrown a knife at them the last time. The Host was seated on the couch, waiting for snacks to arrive and for someone to decide on what movie they were watching." The Host narrated, continuing to ramble on.

"What ARE we watching?" Bim smiled.

"The Nut Job!" Screamed a voice from the kitchen.

"We're not watching that fucking cartoon again, King!" Ed hollered back. "We've watched it a thousand times!"

The man in royal garb leaned out of the kitchen, face coated in peanut butter. "It's a master piece! We can watch it a thousand and one times!"

"Who gave King peanut butter?" Bim yelled.

"It wasn't my fault!" Dr. Iplier responded as he walked into the living room with bowls of popcorn. "It just sort of happened."

"I left the door open." King beamed. "I'm hoping the squirrels come in to watch the movie with us." With a deep sigh, Bim rolled his eyes and went to close the back door.

"Everyone was happy that the popcorn was covered in butter, but wondered if a doctor should be encouraging that kind of eating habit." The Host pondered out loud.

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "It's real butter! Which is better for you than the oil they use at movie theaters! Besides, you're all dying anyway." He sat down on the couch beside the Host. "If you want plain popcorn though, I can get you some."

"I hope mine has extra butter." Ed smirked, taking a bowl from the doctor and sat down on the arm of the couch.

Googleplier had been standing silently in the corner, simply watching everything unfold. "Where is Wilford, Dark, Shepherd and Yandere?"

Dr. Iplier swallowed his mouthful of popcorn and smiled. "Will's in the kitchen coating his popcorn in chocolate and caramel sauce."

"That was an option?!" Ed huffed.

"Anything is an option for Wilford Warfstache." Came the voice with the familiar drawl from the doorway. Wilford wiggled his mustache grinning as he walked in, and sat between the Host and Dr. Iplier, wiggling his way into the squishy seat, pushing the doctor over. "Prob-lem Ed?"

Ed grunted, refusing to respond and Google let out a low grade buzz, drawing the attention back. "Dark? Yandere? Shepherd?"

Bim had finally returned and grinned, grabbing a bowl of popcorn. "Oh, Dark said he's too busy." He dropped down into an arm chair off to the side and happily popped popcorn into his mouth.

"The..." Wilford made air quotes as he said, "super hero", then dropped his arms again as he continued, "is out fighting crime or some such non-sense. Yandere is busy watching live footage of some person." Wilford grinned, popping his jaw awkwardly to the side.

"Live footage?" Google groaned.

"Who is, a hostage?" Bim tilted his head.

Ed snorted. "Probably. Do we really care at this point? Who even is his Senpai right now?"

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