With a House Comes Chores

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A metallic clang rang through the office and Darkiplier lifted his head to stare at the android knocking on his office doorway. "Yes?" He uttered, the echo in his voice ringing out deeply.

"We have an issue." The android announced, in his usual calm manor.

With a groan, Dark turned his chair to face the door way. "How many bodies?"

"No bodies." Googleplier responded quickly.

Dark let out a soft sigh of relief, though he tried to hide it, sitting up straighter in his office chair. "When will the police arrive?"

"No police." Google answered.

Narrowing his eyes, Dark gave a slight nod. "What... kind of an issue is it then?"

Google simply stood silently, as a duplicate of himself, in a green shirt stepped forward, holding out a pale yellow dress shirt. Getting to his feet, Dark made his way over, running his fingers over the hem of his shirt which had been pure white last he'd seen it. "How did this happen?"

"A bright orange shirt, got in with the load of your dress shirts." Google explained simply, the green version nodding along in agreement.

Dark cracked his neck, narrowing his eyes at Google Blue, before placing his hands behind his back. "You are an android. How did you allow this to happen?" He grunted, his voice deep and agitated.

"My mistake." Google smirked contently.

"Was it so terrible that I asked you to do the laundry?" Dark groaned.

"I did as you asked." Google pointed out. "I did not tear anything, either."

Suddenly Google Green was ripped violently out of the doorway and Dark turned his head just in time to see the familiar man with the pink mustache pop up. "I heard..." He mused, wiggling his mustache. "There was a wee... acc-i-dent?" He drummed his fingers against his chin. "Yellow dress shirts, eh? Wonder who could use some of those..." He glanced down at his attire, snapping his suspenders. "And would just so happen to be your size?"

Google rolled his eyes, and Dark leaned his head back, eyeing Wilford as the man threw him a wink. "Suddenly, this feels less of an accident, than it already did." He turned his head, staring down Google who easily met his intense gaze. "I expect as much from him, but you Google?"

"I think the real problem here is that the robot you entrust with all of our secrets, can be bought with cookies." Wilford grinned.

"Cookies?" Dark tilted his head, watching Google. "You cannot eat cookies."

"Not that kind of cookies. Wilford gave me full access to all of his digital data... indefinitely." Google explained.

"You want to know what Wilford does online? Why would anyone want to know that?" Dark grunted.

Google smiled. "Black mail, mostly."

Wilford shrugged his shoulders. "He underestimates how little I give a shit."

Dark nodded. "He is not an easily black mailed man. Earlier this week he asked me if I had ever heard of furries... and then proceeded to explain them to me, with pictures. Despite the fact that I continually asked him to leave. He has no shame."

"You always ask me to leave." Wilford chuckled.

"And yet... you never do." Dark groaned, crossing his arms.

Wilford sighed, waving his hands in the air. "We're SO far off topic. The point is... can I have your shirts?"

Dark grunted, red and blue flickering wildly around him. "Why do you want my shirts?"

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