You want us to do... what?

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"Lex Luthor is hosting a youth retreat for the most well known and influential people in the world's children." Batman stood in the debriefing room facing Kid Flash and Robin, "It will be a gathering of the most valuable hostages in the world to say the very least and Lex Luthor is involved so chances are something is going to happen and it's going to be very very bad." Batman paused to make eye contact with Robin and Kid Flash in turn. The latter gulped. "Naturally we need someone there to gather information and more importantly, stop any sinister plots that should occur and protect those kids. Naturally you two are the only option. "

    Kid Flash frowned, "Wait how are we the only option?"

    Robin sighed, drawing the attention of the other two. "Because," Robin removed his mask, "as Dick Grayson, son of Bruce Wayne, I have an invitation. Am I right? With a plus one I'm guessing. And KF is the only option for that plus one because he's the only one on the team who already knows my secret identity."

    For possibly the hundredth time KF was distracted from Dick's words by those crystal blue eyes. But he did catch Bat Man's answering nod.

    "You're exactly correct Robin. However, there are... complications, that I need to point out to you both." Bat Man's words addressed both of them but he was definitely looked at Kid Flash. "Besides the obvious threat to your secret identities that comes with using them for a mission, there are a multitude of problems that mostly stem from the fact that it's a couples retreat."

    Dick almost choked,"What?"

    "The plus one is exclusively reserved for SO's of the invited kids." Batman confirmed.

    "Wait so wouldn't Babs or someone be more suited to this mission?" Kid Flash asked incredulously.

    Batman cocked his head and Dick suddenly seemed to find the floor very interesting. After a moment Batman said, "No. Dick Grayson is very publicly gay. His plus one cannot be a girl."

    KF stiffened. How had he not pieced it together? He had heard about a young aristocrat coming out as gay when a homophobic reporter had gotten a little to nosey with the 'Are there any girls in your life?' questions, but KF hadn't looked into it enough to see Dick's name or picture. Having no reason to believe Dick had been lying, KF took a moment to expand his world view to include a gay Robin. A gay Robin that would still never be interested in me, he thought. All he managed was a small, "Oh."

    Batman waited another moment for Kid Flash to process that and Dick still didn't look at anyone. Finally, "Anyway, because of that, Kid Flash, you would have to deal with the implications of becoming an overnight celebrity as Wally West. Namely you'd have to tell all the reporters and your friends at school and anyone else that you like guys. As well as the publicity you'd have to deal with. The reporters and pictures and such. And of course the both of you would have to maintain your cover as a couple through the entire mission. Whatever that necessitates." KF definitely heard something in Batman's voice just then. A sort of angry reluctance. It occured to KF that Batman probably really didn't like the idea of his protege being defiled by having a boyfriend, fake or not. Kid would have laughed if he wasn't still in shock. "However all that said, the whole thing would blow over pretty quickly. In Gotham they'll probably talk about it for a month at the most and everywhere else will forget about it in a week. Plus the reporters will probably only bother you in the time between Dick RSVPing and the retreat. Obviously they won't be allowed at the retreat. And naturally we'll stage your very quiet and private break up directly after the retreat so all and all the publicity shouldn't be that bad. But because of the nature of this mission and the strain it could put on your life as Wally West and your friendship as Kid Flash and Robin, this mission is strictly if you both choose to accept. I realize there's a lot to think about and the retreat isn't for a week so I'll give you both the night to think about it. Dismissed."

    Batman turned away to start typing on the computer.

    Kid Flash and Robin stood there in shock for another ten seconds before Robin composed himself, put his mask back on, and motioned for KF to leave with him.

    Once they got out of earshot Robin spoke, "So, what do you think."

    KF shifted uncomfortably, "I think, that I need to think about it more. I'll... have an answer to that by tomorrow. What do you think?"

    Robin sighed, "Honestly Wally? I don't know. I guess if your up for it, of course I'll take the mission because I can't think of a good reason not to. So... I guess it's up to you."

    Of course there's a- wait what? Wally thought. He was shocked that Robin didn't seem to have any objections to this. He'd expected Rob to be disgusted at having to pretend to be in love with him but... KF shook himself to clear his head. Stop reading so much into it, he told himself. Rob has always been a professional. This is just a mission to him.

    Robin clapped him on the back, effectively shaking him out of his thoughts. "I'll see you tomorrow Wally."

    Wally hadn't realized they were at the tube already. "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

    He found himself surprisingly reluctant to leave, but he did.

XXXCross posted and edited on Ao3. Same title, my username is Violet_Witch.XXX

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