Kiz and the very sweet interruption.

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It dissolved into one long and very slow make out session from there and they were both perfectly fine with that.

Until there was a knock on the door.

"Open up!" Kizzy yelled.

Dick pulled away from Wally reluctantly. "If we don't get that, she'll knock it down."

The red head groaned, burying his head in Dick's shoulder and placing a few kisses there. "But we'd have a few more minutes."

Dick tugged at his hair half heartedly. "More like seconds. You can't underestimate Kiz."

With one final kiss, Wally rolled off of Dick and directly onto the floor next to the couch. He climbed ungracefully to his feet and padded over to the door, headless of his dishevelled appearance.

Kiz nearly fell through the door when Wally opened it. She gave a soft startled, "Oh." and righted herself quickly, her eyes coming up to meet Wally's and getting stuck somewhere halfway. To examine him slowly.

She took in his open shirt (they managed to get dressed before the kissing really got started) and the very obvious marks all over his chest, then his puffed up lips and eyes still several shades too dark and blown wide, finally reaching his absolutely ravaged hair. "Ohh." she said smiling.

Wally hadn't cared when he'd still been thinking about Dick's lips, but now that Kizzy was looking at him with that sly smile and that twinkle in her eye, Wally found himself buttoning up his shirt.

Kiz glanced behind him and not seeing Dick, raised her voice slightly. "Can I borrow your boyfriend for a sec?"

Wally spluttered, but before he could protest, Dick called back, "I don't know Kiz, I'm bad at sharing."

"Puh-lease. He's pretty for a ginger but he ain't got nothin' on Liv."

"We'll have that argument later, yeah?"

Kiz laughed, grabbing Wally's wrist and pulling him out into the hallway. Wally stumbled and almost hit the wall. She pulled the door shut behind them with an ominous click.

She put her back to it, effectively blocking Wally's way out. He dragged his fingers through his hair in an attempt to straighten it out while he waited for Kiz to say whatever she was gonna say.

"So much for not having a physical relationship," she drawled.

Wally blushed nearly the color of his hair. "I- uh-"

Kiz put up a hand to stall whatever useless excuse he'd been about to spew. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I'm happy for you. I've known Dick for a while and I've never seen him more comfortable with a person than he is with you." her expression was soft and for some inexplicable reason, it touched Wally to have her approval. He'd met her barely two days ago. Why did it matter so much to him.

"You guys are using protection though, right?"

And, she ruined it. Wally was back to spluttering, "Of course we- I am NOT getting the talk from you!"

Kizzy broke down into giggles. "I'm sorry, you are just too cute." Sobering slightly she added, "I love Dick like a brother, but I know he has more experience than you, so if anything goes wrong you tell me, alright?"

Wally could definitely appreciate that sentiment. He smiled softly. "Thank you Kizzy. I will, but it's not gonna come to that," he said sincerely.

"I don't expect it too. Well, now that you know that," Kizzy's tone shifted abruptly, "If you hurt Dick, I will hurt you. Probably with a shotgun. Maybe a pitch fork."

Wally threw his hands up in an 'I surrender' kind of gesture. "I would never hurt Dick. And if I ever did, you'd have to get in line for killing me."

Wally hadn't thought about the words until he said them, but when he did it hit him like a ton of bricks. He was dating Batman's adopted son.

Bruce was going to kill him.

He hadn't even thought about that.

Kizzy missed his heart stopping horror, chuckling lightly. "Fair enough. I was going to hang out with you two until dinner, but I can see your busy, so I'll just be going. See you later."

"Wait, where is Liv?" Wally asked.

Kiz waved vaguely. "She was coming a bit behind me. I'll meet her on my way back to the room."

Turning around, Kiz knocked once sharply on the door.

Like clockwork, Dick opened it for her. "All done?"

"This one's a keeper Dickie. Hurt him and I'll be pissed," she said happily. Then she turned on her heel and walked away.

Dick whistled lowly looking after her. "Did she say anything too bad?" he asked returning his attention back to Wally.

Wally pushed off the wall in a kind of daze. "Nothing I can't handle."



"I'm literally the one sitting on the couch in full attire who's been ready for twenty minutes. Do you need to ask?" Wally said, rising to his feet.

Dick rolled his eyes. "I had to make sure I had all the stuff. Hiding multiple weapons an two sets of clothes on your person under semi formal attire is not as easy as it sounds."

"I'm sure babe, but you wear it so well." Wally's eyes dragged up and down Dick once appreciatively. Dick laughed, letting Wally pull him in for a kiss.

"We better get going," he murmured against Wally's lips.

Wally had to say he felt lighter than ever during the walk to the dining room. And the dinner itself was even better. Sure, not much changed because they had already been acting like boyfriends, but it still felt different.

Frankly, the armed intruders came way too quickly for Wally's taste.

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