Wally and Dick literally get a room

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XXX I apologize in advance for this somewhat boring but totally necessary intermediate chapter. Next up's the pool party. XXX

"May I help you find your room, sirs?" an attendant seemed to pop up out of nowhere and it took all of Dick's bat training not to jump. Wally was not so lucky or well trained and practically jumped out of his skin.

"Jesus! Usually only you sneak up on me like that," he muttered to Dick.

Dick chuckled, but addressed the attendant in favor of responding to Wally. "That would be very helpful. We should have a room for two under the name Wayne?"

The attendant, her name tag read Lyn, was a woman in her mid twenties with raven hair that fell in a straight plait down her back. Her smile suggested years of customer service and a very false cheeriness. Her body language was tense and Dick read wariness there. He theorized that Lyn was probably waiting to see if they were going to be stereotypical snobby rich kids.

Dick decided that was only fair.

"Right this way." Lyn smiled dazzlingly and started off, following the general flow of teenagers lead by different attendees. All wearing black pants and collared shirts with the lexcorp logo, Dick noticed.

With a single amused glance passed between them, Dick and Wally followed.

It wasn't a long walk, making it even easier than anticipated for Dick to memorize the floor plan, possible exits, and air vents. In two minutes, give or take, Lyn was swiping a suspiciously hotel looking key card in front of a door and stepping aside to let them in.

"If you need anything, let anyone on staff know. We are here to help." Lyn handed Dick the key she'd used and took Dick's nod of thanks as permission to leave.

Looking back at the open door Dick gestured airily and said, "Shall we?"

Wally snorted, walking past Dick. They entered into a spacious living room type area with a flat screen TV and a couch. A hallway led off to a kitchenette and another led to a bedroom, which had two doors leading off that Dick reasoned were probably a bathroom and a closet. Their bags were sitting in by the door of the bedroom.

"Well... " Dick started slowly. "I guess we should get changed and head to the pool." he cocked his head to the side. "Although, Dick Grayson does have a penchant for being fashionably late, so there's no need to rush."

"And Wally West is uncomfortable with you referring to yourself in the third person," Wally said flopping onto the King sized bed.

The... King sized... bed. Singular. Oh. Oh shit. Dick purposefully turned away, pretending to examine a set of drawers to hide his blush.

Should he... should he point out this minor snag to Wally?

Nah. Wally would realize eventually.

Dick's blush returned to normal just in time for Wally to wonder aloud, "Should we like, compare notes? Or talk about strategies to-?"

Dick scrambled across the bed quickly and quietly like any good Bat, practically jumping Wally to cover his mouth before he could finish that sentence.

Wally reflexively grabbed Dick's hips to stabilize him, eyes widening in shock at the sudden heavy weight straddling his hips.

Dick just frowned down at him. Sure, Wally wasn't a Bat and he was new to undercover work, but really? That was sloppy.

He brought his free hand to his own mouth, pressing a finger to his lips in a sh motion. Wally nodded slowly in understanding and Dick removed his hand.

He leaned down to speak directly into Wally's ear and whispered, "The walls have ears. Give me a second."

He thought he felt Wally shiver beneath him, but he probably imagined it. He sat back up scrutinizing the room once again, accidently wiggling against Wally a little as he did so. He chose to ignore that and clamoured off the bed- and Wally- with half his usual grace.

Wally laid perfectly still, mostly in shock, watching as his fake boyfriend methodically combed the room for bugs.

So... that happened. He'd been close with Dick before, obviously, but Dick had literally been on top of him. Wally became abruptly aware that if Dick turned around right then, he would be very aware of how Wally felt about the situation. Wally sat up, casually leaning against the headboard and hugging a pillow in front of him.

After a few moments in which Dick scoured the whole suite, he came back holding three tiny blinking devices. Wally flinched away like they were bombs, but Dick just rolled his eyes and carefully set the bugs down on the comforter.

Wally watched with interest as Dick retrieved his suitcase and opened it, removing a laptop. Dick hummed as he typed. Rather loudly. It took him a moment to realize Dick was humming to help cover the sound of his typing.

After a few more moments Dick smiled in satisfaction and said, "We can talk now."

"Yay," Wally replied sarcastically.

He snorted in response. "We do need to figure out how to cover it up though. Between you abruptly cutting off and the squeaking of the bed, whoever's listening right now will probably assume we're making out."

Wally blushed and squeezed his pillow a little tighter, but Dick didn't bother to look up from his computer. "But after that... Lex'll get suspicious if the bug just has silence. We can run TV background noise... I could use the soundbites I've collected from both of us to run a chatter program... enough to keep the listener off our case. It won't hold up under a fine tooth comb though... " Wally smiled dopily at Dick who had deteriorated into mostly talking to himself at this point.

"Of course," Dick exclaimed smiling triumphantly. "I'll have Babs run the program to purposely pick out the soundbites that make sense. With her skills and time, she'll be able to run this program way more effectively. I'll just send her the info... "

A few more moments of typing and Dick put his laptop over to the side. "Babs has got it covered. I'll put these back now."

Dick stood abruptly, taking the bugs and rushing around the suite to replace them.

"Ok, now that that's taken care of, are you ready to go to a pool party?" Dick asked.

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