Meanwhile, back at the robot ranch

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"Have you seen KF?" Artemis asked, shooting down three more bots even as she said it.

"I believe he is 'preoccupied'," Kaldur responded, spinning to lash out with his water whip. "As is Robin. Though that is less unusual."

"Doesn't it seem a little weird that we suddenly have a rush of criminal activity and they go off radar at the same time?" Artemis shoots an exploding arrow at the 'Queen Bee' of the bots, effectively knocking the rest of the bots out.

Kaldur sheathed his weapons. "Batman doesn't seem concerned."

"Batman's probably covering for them," Artemis muttered.

Kaldur studied her for a long time. Long enough for her to get kind of unnerved. At length he said, "Are you suggesting KF and Robin don't trust us and Batman is encouraging that distrust?"

Artemis shifts. "Maybe. Just thinking out loud. Like, knowing Robin, they could be doing literally anything. I wouldn't put it past them to be stopping an alien invasion or saving the world. knowing KF they could be on a beach in the Caribbean."

"How is that our business?" Kaldur asked with an amused smile.

"Aren't you always telling us we need to trust each other? Not keep secrets? Come on, you can't tell me you're not curious!"

Kaldur finally gave in. "Maybe they're finally doing something about that sexual tension."

Artemis burst out laughing. "Yeah that's probably it. All I'm saying is we should keep an eye out and maybe grill them for details later. Hypothetically, if I were a bat anyway, I would do some snooping."

"Hypothetically, I would offer assistance to a fake 'bat' looking to- how did you put it? Snoop."


So this chapter is my way of saying oops. I forgot about this story for a long time. I'm going to pick it back up now, but I'm a little lost on where this is going because I'm a shotty planner. So updates will probably be kind of slow depending on when inspiration strikes and I suddenly know what the hell I'm doing. I know how it's going to end, obviously, I just need to figure out how many chapters it's going to be, how much I'm going to push them first.

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