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Four ended the tour with us in the dormitory. There are six beds lined up on each side of the room. In the back of the room are the bathrooms, which are out in the open. The showers are unfortunately the same way.

"All right, initiates," he says, "you have ten minutes to change out of your old faction clothes and get to the dining hall. You better eat up and then come back and get some rest. Training starts at 8 in the morning."

When he leaves the room I turn around and claim the bed closest to the door. There are black clothes laying on the bed and lucky for me, they're close to my size. I turn my back toward everyone and trade my red and yellow clothes for the Dauntless black ones. There are some boots resting near the bed and I frown when I realize they're too big.

"Anyone have a bigger pair of boots?" a voice says. "These are too small."

I turn around and see that it's the Candor girl. I should probably learn her name that way I can stop referring to her as the Candor girl.

"Here," I say, handing her the boots.

"Thanks," she says. "I'm Tera, by the way."

"Rori," I say. I turn around to make my way back to my bed. I lace up my boots and walk out of the dormitory.

The dining hall is buzzing with life and energy. I search the many tables for empty seats and find a couple next to Four. I make my way toward him and sit a seat down from him. He turns his head toward me but doesn't say anything, so I guess it's okay for me to sit here.

"Mind if I sit here?" a voice says. I glance up to see a boy in all black with curly brown hair and gray eyes. I shake my head and he plops into the seat beside me. He extends his hand and says, "I'm Raiden. Dauntless born."

"Rori," I say, shaking his hand. "Amity transfer."

"Yeah, I figured that," he says with a nod. "Your hair and skin screams Amity."

My skin is tan and my face is dotted with freckles. Working in the fields from dawn till dusk is to blame for that. And my hair is light blonde and my eyes are blue.

I nod and he starts piling food onto his plate. I grab a bun and put a hamburger patty on it. I watch him grab a bottle labeled ketchup and apply it to his patty. He picks it up and takes a bite. I grab the bottle he used and do the same with my burger. I take a bite and my eyes widen. It is actually pretty good.

"What, have you never had a burger before?" Raiden says, smirking down at me.

"Oh, I have," I say, wiping my face with a napkin. "Just not very often."

"The Amity eat like the Abnegation do, huh?"

"I don't think so," I say. "We can eat more portions and we have a bigger variety. We just never ate meat very much. It was more grains, vegetables, and fruits."

"Oh, I see," he says with a nod. "Well, you're in luck. There is almost always meat served, so you can eat all the meat you have missed out on."

"Sounds good."

"Also, when you get the chance, you need to try the cake," he says, with pure adoration in his eyes. "It is to die for."

"You sound like you're in love with the cake," I say with a chuckle.

"Just wait until you try it," he says with a smirk. "You will too."

"Note to self: try the cake."

"Good girl."

After we finish eating, he stands to dump his tray and I do the same. We stack our trays on a pile of dirty ones and make our way to the door.

"See you tomorrow," he says with a wink. "Good luck at training."

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