Chapter 7

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The next few days I spent in my house alone with my mother, no one came and no one called. I tried contacting Casey and Liam but they didn’t answer. I tried calling for two day straight but after that I gave up, my bond to the rest of the pack was still severed so I couldn’t contact them through that either. On top of that I couldn’t contact the doctor either as he said to call Liam whenever I needed him. So those days were plain torture I kept looking after mom but and used the herbs I was given. 

The first day she showed no response, still I kept talking to her but it didn’t help the second day was the same until I spoke about my Dad. I was talking about how he used to laugh at my mother’s poor attempt at driving when we used to go out for picnics; it when then that I saw the twitch of her hand but as soon as I saw it, it was gone I tired talking to her again but to no avail. I couldn’t get any response out of her. My days were slowing becoming monotonous, everyday I would get up look after my mom; give her some fluids through the IV, make my own breakfast and so on. But my mother’s situation didn’t bother me anymore I had accepted the fact that she had chosen her mate over me, this was a sign of my parents everlasting love and devotion to each other a love that I had to honour because if wouldn’t understand that then who would.

Besides that I still hadn’t gotten a word from either Casey or Liam, Liam’s silence didn’t surprise or bother me but Casey’s did. Though I wouldn’t admit it deep down I was hurt by Casey’s and a little by my mother’s betrayal. I thought I was alone before but right then I truly understood the meaning of the word. Darkness seemed my only companion right now. It was something to whom I was slowly losing myself to. 

A week had passed with the same results as before and I was still isolated from everyone. I had just spent an hour talking to my Mom telling her about everything that was going on, that wasn’t much or necessary but I still felt the need to tell her to try to get a reaction out of her. So right now I was sitting on the front porch starring at the rain as it fell onto the driveway. The sky was filled with dark angry clouds and the wind howled rattling the peaceful forest with it. It was only noon but due the weather it might as well have been late evening.

I sat there talking to Serna 

‘What do you think would happen to us when mother finally decides to leave?’ I asked to her

‘Don’t know. Would you still like to live in this house?’ she questioned

 ‘I have to. I have nowhere else to go’ I told her as the rain began falling faster changing into a strong storm.  

‘Have you tried calling Casey again?’ she asked

‘Yeah I did this morning, but she didn’t pick up’ 

‘Hmm I see’, we stayed silent after that for a few minutes which I took to enjoy the rain. I had never been afraid of either storms of the rain even when I was young unlike the rest of the children I would run into the storm and play in the rain as the wind would blow me and my hair around. My father would come chasing after me; at first he’d try to act all mad but as I would run around him splashing in the puddles he would soon give u and join me.

Nevertheless rain was not only a reminder of my father but it brought peace to me the wind and the sent of wet earth was always calming. Whenever is rained I would always come out to either just watch it or join in, in it.

My mother and I loved to sit on the front porch and just enjoy looking at the trees, I guess it wasn’t a wolf thing because in school I had meet a lot of people who didn’t like nature or anything related to it so it more like our thing. She used to love tending the plants and I just loved being with her. So it grew from there and became more of my love too.

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