What Have You Done

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The mayor of upstate New York needed results if he was to be re elected for another term at the end of the fiscal year. The body count of unsolved missing people was starting to accumulate. And people wanted answers the story's that the news were airing no longer made sense to anyone from upstate anymore. Something was clearly going on and everyone knew it. The elect for the communities of upstate properties pressed on for the military to step in to find the town the answers they needed.

Marcus Black was a friend of Troy Stevens he was one of the first to witness the birth of Cricket. Marcus decided to pay troy a visit he knew his responsibility was for him to tell troy about cricket. He knew what he saw on the day that cricket killed the mail man. He sat quietly in his car and saw the whole gruesome murder unfold before his very eyes.  It was not a day that went by that he thought about telling Troy. But he knew that troy wouldn't listen when it came to him saying anything about cricket. He pulled up to Troy home anticipating the visit he wondered what he would say to troy in the process of him letting troy know that his dog was a murderer. He pressed the button on the panel that would open the front gate to enter into the property. He drove slowly as he begun to reach to the top of where the estate was. He could see that there was a light on trough the front window as he pulled up. This was a good sign that troy was home he looked around before he exit his vehicle. 
He knew that cricket could be out roaming the grounds at anytime he didn't want to bump into cricket without troy bring around. After checking his surroundings once more he exited the car and started to climb the steps that led to the door. He heard something that sounded like a growl behind him he slowly turned to see what it was. Cricket begun to attack him at once he screamed for some one to help, but it was to late. Cricket had him pinned to the ground dragging him under the porch crushing the man wind pipe killing him instantly. It didn't take long before cricket ripped through the man's throat and began eating him completely.

The FBI took over the case of the missing people in upstate New York. The local police were to turn over any evidence they had directly to the agents at once. The military were a independent brach who played by there own set of rules. There reasons for being in upstate was of no concern to the local police and the FBI on whom had no jurisdiction over them. Any investigations the military was conducting they kept to themselves. As far as the local police was concern they were officially off the upstate case. This was way beyond any of there pay grade and they were happy that the case was turned over to the feds. The military set up there camps deep in the wooded area that surrounded upstate. They figured they would sure find that the problem lied within the forest. Each man place night vision camera's in different locations in the woods. They wanted to capture a photo of anything out of the ordinary. This way they would be able to narrow down just what kind of animal was responsible for such horrors. There were many military men who had on camouflage that staked out the wooded area all night long.

Day two:

The military found nothing in significant the officer in charge pull his men out of the woods. He was now depending on technology to do the job for them. He checked on the monitors that flashed a perfect picture of the woods in many locations. It was now a waiting game he knew that within time he would see what kind of animal it was that plaque the area with fear.

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