Not Again

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Troy hadn't check on cricket in a few days he decided to see him today. He drove his truck the distance it took to reach the hiding habitat. He knew that cricket would come to the front to greet him after he heard the sound of the vehicle. Troy got out the truck, but there was no cricket he called out to him... Cricket where are you boy?"
At first he was hesitant to open up the wall to enter inside, but troy had to see him. He entered calling out to cricket he didn't see the animal anywhere. His heart started to race he knew that somehow cricket was gone. He gathered the crew members who help keep the habitat up. Each man had to search the entire habitat ground for the animal.
Troy demanded To see the video tapes of the entire ground as far back as two days.

The tape show troy what he knew all along cricket had escaped. He had made his way over the wall by climbing up a broken tree that gave him his opportunity. Not again troy exclaimed he realized that this time getting him back might take longer than before. He wasted no time look for the animal no one was safe as long as cricket was on the prowl. His mind kept mentioning that to him as he drove around trying to find his monster.

The night began to creep in and troy knew that he had to attend the town meeting. Dam!! Was all he could say as he drove home hitting his steering wheel as hard as he could. Cricket was watching from the woods he was waiting for the right time to eat the boy he was stalking. The teenager had no clue that there was a predictor waiting to have him for dinner. Cricket moved slowly and stealthy he blended in the wood as if nothing was there that was so hideous as he was. There was nothing the boy could do he entered the woods to relieve himself and then it happened. Cricket had took the boy by surprise he grabbed hold of the boys throat killing him instantly.
He began to eat the dead boy inside out ripping him apart peace after piece until there was nothing left.

Cricket move on after he killed that boy he was now beginning to widen his territory farther out. Troy could always tell where the animal was by the deaths or the missing people of the area cricket was around. Catching him was hard it seemed as though cricket stayed one step ahead of troys every move. Cricket hid in the back yard of local just outside of Up State he didn't harm the dog that shared the same space along with him. At first the female pit bull dog was scared of cricket it didn't want him there. As time went by and cricket stayed hidden inside the dog house the pitbull had no other choice but to put up with cricket. The animal was in heat and cricket was attracted to its scent and the bitch was attracted to him. Soon after cricket moved on to hunt he was now hungry he had put in work with his bitch. She was his and his first but the thirst to kill was there long before her.Cricket ran into the woods and did Not look back he was big and powerful and he knew that. He ran with ease for a dog his size his body had a air dynamic type of shape that made him soar through the air effortless.

Cricket was like any animal curious he entered a cave he stumbled upon seeing what he could find. Soon he found himself deeper and continued to snif around letting his noise be his compass. The cave was dark and cold unfamiliar to cricket in every way. Then his hair stood straight on his back he laughed when frightened. The sound echoed making cricket bend his head to analyse what was going on. He began to stan still getting into his stealth stance he barked. This time the sound that came back wasn't his own he baked again standin his ground. The roar got louder but this didn't move cricket from his position. Soon the bear was in eye sight cricket laughed like the hyena he was he turned in circles as an indication that he meant business. The bear stood it was still young but big in height cricket attack the bear tried to get him off its back. Cricket bite was powerful the bear was down he was defeated. Cricket didn't stop there he went on and killed the other bears cubs and all. This was now his lair he marked his territory with urine to indicate this was his and all others keep out. He stored up the dead bears and ate what he wanted for now he laid in front of the cave and fell asleep swatting flies with his tail.

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