What are you

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Troy started to wonder about cricket his mind needed to know just what kind of animal he was.

Within three weeks cricket had found his way back to up State New york It didn't take him long before he reached the mansion.

Troy went to retrieve his mail and cricket was there he was shocked to see that cricket had found his way back once again. He tried to understand the devotion of the animal as well as his own fear he had towards cricket. He thought of what he was going to do next all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind and all of them he dismissed. Cricket was here to stay and troy knew it never again did he try and take him away. He wanted to just keep cricket inside never letting him out. Logic began to set in about the type of animal cricket was. If anything he felt regrets about creating such an animal that cricket had turned out to become. He wasn't sure what he was going to do next with cricket?" 
Troy was scared he didn't want to go to jail for the things cricket had done. Killing cricket never crossed his mind he loved him to much to do harm to the animal in any way. He really didn't know if cricket felt the same way about him. Troy wondered if he was going to be the next person cricket would kill?" He wasn't sure of crickets loyalty towards him anymore. He knew that he would have to keep cricket locked in the basement if he wanted people to live.

Meanwhile the police and the military continued to search the area for whatever they thought was responsible for the murders in upstate New York. Day after day they checked out everyone including there animals. No one was excluded from what they had no understanding of. The orders came from up high on the upstate case the powers to be wanted the problem to go away fast and without noticed from the media. The people of upstate wanted answers and they wanted them fast. They were not going to sit back and let this happen anymore. The town leaders and the town people demanded results they wanted answers. They were no longer going to just let anyone tell them anything about what was going on in UpState New York anymore.

Orders came down from andrews air force base to lieutenant dole it read for your eyes only top secret.  Lieutenant Dole understood what his orders were he had now the proof he needed to hunt down the killer in Up State New York. He remembered seeing the thing that stared at him in the satellite photograph before, he was sure of it. He tried his best to remember where he saw the thing responsible for so many innocent lives, his mind wouldn't let the thought go. Lieutenant dole knew that someone somewhere in upstate was hiding a cold killer. He put together a elite team to hunt the thing down and bring it back alive. His orders were carried out immediately and without prejudice.

A team of six men began to set up traps around the wooded area just a few feet away from Troy Stevens home.  The sun was beginning to set and the six military men were in position.

Troy was awakened by the sound if his door bell he looked at the clock that read four thirty am. He wondered who could it be at such late hours he'd hope that all was well... Coming he called out as he stumbled to retrieve his slippers. Troy turn on the hall light that led into the living room. He peaked out the front door window to see who it was that needed him so bad. He could tell that the person on the other side was wet do to the rain that continued to fall. May I help you asked Troy? Yes the voice said Im looking for a Mr. Steven would this be him of whom Im speaking to. What is this about asked Troy?  Sir if you would give me a moment of your time to explain my late visit I assure you that I won't take up much of your time.

Troy listened to what the strange man at his door was saying to him. He slowly began to reach out his arm to open the door for the man when Cricket stood just a few yards from him growling as if something was wrong... What is it boy Troy asked?"

He began to remove his hand from the door nob he could see that the person was still waiting for him to open the door... Hey mister look it's late could you come back tomorrow he asked?

Pithenna the new breed  By Earl Peters.Where stories live. Discover now