Sound the alarm

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Cricket was out of sector 9 he escape trough the ventilation system. He could smell the fresh air that led him to the outside world once again. The alarm was sounded to warn the people in that surrounding area. The news aired the story of the escape about cricket and troy immediately went to find him.

He drove his truck thirty miles from UpState New York he knew where the military base was that cricket escaped from. He hurried to catch cricket before he killed another person. He realized that every time cricket killed the blood was on his hands and that he could not handle.

So many people was afraid they had heard about the monster that had killed so many innocent people in UpState. They blamed the military for bringing such a creature in the area. What was they thinking asked one woman who voiced her opinion. But her question fell on death ears no one knew how to answer her. Let alone to give the citizens what they needed to survive if they came within crickets path.

Troy ran several red lights, he hurried to get cricket away from the public. He knew cricket was dangerous and that he would be the only one he would listen to if he ever had to stop him from killing. Troy understood crickets nature as the animal he was he also knew that cricket had to be stopped. He never wanted to do harm to his dog but he realized what he had to do now. He kept his rifle in his truck hanging in the back window rack. He checked to see if it was loaded and it was with armor bullets that would go through anything in its way.

Troy continued to search for cricket he did not want for anyone to get hurt. He called out for him but he had no luck with finding his animal. Troy was getting frustrated he knew that cricket was still around somewhere. He had to find him fast before the military did he thought about what he was going to do with cricket when he found him.

Cricket eased his way towards the lady standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come.  She didn't know that the animal from the local news had picked her for lunch.

Cricket crept up on the lady with ease she didn't know what hit when he attacked. She fell to the ground shaking and bleeding heavy her breathing was very rapid she was going into shock. She was dying and cricket wasn't finish with her yet. He walked over to the dying lady and continued to eat her alive. She was now dead and twitching as she took her last breathe.

Cricket consumed the remaining parts of the woman after he was done he walked away leaving ripped clothing and blood. People started screaming as they stood in disbelief others had already begun streaming live videos on there phones.

The military now knew where to hunt cricket down there orders were to kill on site. It didn't take long before they showed up with weapons locked and loaded.  Cricket was now top priority marshal law was put in effect immediately. No one was to be seen outside for any reason at all every citizens within that town were to lock up there homes and stay away from there windows. The hunt for cricket was on every law enforcement agency was involved and all of them had heavy artillery.

Cricket continued to stay on the move he stayed out of site as he roamed the streets. All the walking was making cricket hungry again he had his eye on a prime angus cow grassing nearby. Cricket stayed low as he watched the cow he moved slowly as he approach from the animal blind side. Before the cow could realize that cricket was there he had already bitten down on the cow neck. There was nothing the cow could do but submit under crickets powerful bite. The sounds of nearby military vehicles startled cricket as he ate. He drugged the cow further into  the wooded area that surrounded the land. His hunger to consume meat was getting stronger. He was now getting tired he searched for the right place to rest. He needed to save energy his walk from sector 9 was waring on him now. It didn't take cricket long before he was sound asleep. He had hide a large potion of the cow for a later time. He covered the cow hide with leaves to keep away anything that might want to steal his kill.

The sun had gone down and night fall was now beginning to take it's rightful place. The sound of explosive scare bombs had woke cricket from his rest. This was a tactic the military was using to scare cricket out to them. And it worked cricket was on the move and headed right into there trap. The second bomb sounded startling cricket as he begun to pick up his pase. He was now coming to the end of the wooded area that would lead him back unto the streets.

The military had cricket boxed in there would be nowhere he could go without being seen. They hid behind the scene waiting for cricket to surface with weapons in hand. The street was quiet no one made a sound cricket was out of the woods and roaming the area unaware of his fate.

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