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Xander had misjudged Jessica's father. His mother has always told him never to judge a book by its cover. He didn't want to judge the man. He was simply shocked and at a loss for words when he opened the front door.

He expected a well muscular man with brunette hair just like Jessica. He even imagined the man with a scruffy beard. Xander thought that Jessica's mom would be the one to come instead of her dad.

He soon realised he was wrong when his eyes caught a glimpse of his chest. It was an inappropriate thing to do. Xander needed to be sure. He was shocked once more when he saw that his chest was as flat as pancakes.

He was a man of course. 'How silly of me' Xander thought. Yet, when he looked at his face once more he found it hard to believe. His blonde hair was dripping wet along with his clothes. His eyes were slightly brown. Xander found the man to be handsome. He found himself wanting to use words like pretty or cute to describe him.  

He was shorter and younger than Xander. Nothing like Xander had imagined. What shocked him the most was that he had a face full of makeup.

'A hobby of his?' Xander thought.

Xander thought it fit him perfectly. Made him look beautiful. It was that thought that left Xander spellbound and unable to keep his eyes off him.

'Its because of the make up'  He thought to himself.

"Daddy!" Jessica squealed as she ran out of the living area, ready to give her father a hug , only stopping when she realised how soaked he was.

"C-Come in," Xander said, making way for the man to enter. He didn't know how long he'd left the man standing outside. "I'll get you a towel," Xander offered. At this point he was sure he would catch a cold.

"If it isn't too much trouble can I also have a change of clothes?" the younger man asked. "Its fine if I can't. I already feel like I'm intruding more than I should."

"No, no it's fine," Xander assured him. It wouldn't hurt to lend him a few of his clothes.

Xander left both daughter and father and made his way upstairs into his bedroom. He grabbed a few items from his closet. They were bound to be over-sized but it would have to do. He also took a towel.

When Xander got back downstairs he found the father and daughter combo having a conversation. Jessica's father gave him a thankful smile as he took the clothing and towel. Xander looked at him again, still not used to the makeup.

"Down the hall to the left," Jessica said. She'd only spent  a few hours there and she already felt at home.

Xander went to kitchen and got another cup of hot chocolate. He'd never had two in one day. Jessica's father was quite the character. He watched as Jessica watched cartoons. Something she requested sometime ago. 

It was taking Jessica's dad longer that expected. Just when he thought of checking if he was okay, Jessica's dad entered the living area. As expected the clothes didn't fit him at all.

Xander tried to keep his cool. The younger man had removed the makeup. He was just as pretty if not more. 'Are my eyes playing tricks on me' Xander though. He had a faint blush on his cheeks as he averted his gaze. He didn't want to stare too much.

"I'm sorry we had to meet under such circumstances," the younger man apologized. Xander didn't mind. He got to see something new and exciting. 

Maybe a bit too exciting.

"I don't normally wear makeup," he said. Xander's previous thoughts were cleared. "I do makeup. On other people," he added.

"A makeup artist?"

"Yes," he replied. Xander had never met a male makeup artist. "Is that weird?"

"No, not at all," Xander assured the younger man. "Its just new for me."

He gave Xander a smile which he was slowly getting fond of.

"I'm Ayden by the way," the younger man introduced.


A wave of silence passed through them. The sound of the cartoons playing filled the room. Xander felt awkward for some reason. Was it because he hasn't had anyone over in awhile?.

He didn't have many friends. Lonely days and hot chocolate was all he knew.

Jessica tugged at her fathers arm. "He makes really good hot chocolate," she said.

"He does?" Ayden said, giving Xander a faint smile.

"I could make you one, if you like?" Xander offered.

"If it isn't too much trouble"

"Can I have one more too?" Jessica beamed.

"Sure," Xander replied. He was happy to share his hot chocolate with the two.

Some time later the duo had left and Xander was cleaning up. Looking at the three empty cups he couldn't help but smile. It'd been a long time he'd enjoyed his day after work. He found himself hoping to see them again but he knew the chances were slim.

Xander washed up and headed to bed. He was even looking forward to a days work tomorrow.


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