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Upon entering Marianna's house they saw a lot of children running around. Most of them ran into the backyard where all the fun seemed to be happening. All three kept a close distance as they made way inside.

Mariana who was passing with a bowl of snacks stopped in her tracks. She smiled at the sight of Xander, an even wider smile when she saw he brought someone. She quickly handed the bowl to someone else and walked towards her younger brother.

Marianna gave him a big huge then gave Ayden one. Ayden was startled upon the sudden contact then fell into the hug. When Marianna noticed Jessica a flip switched inside of her. "Whose this adorable girl?" She pulled Jessica into her arms. "What's your name?"

"Jessica," she replied in a soft tone.

"Even her name is adorable," she pinched her cheeks.

Marianna was a mother among mothers. Xander thought often why she only had one child. Marianna noticed herself being carried away and turned to Ayden. "I'm Xander's older sister, Marianna."

"Ayden," he was quite impressed by Xander's sister. She had quite the personality.

"Why don't you go play outside," Xander stepped in the conversation. It was best for Jessica to have some fun. Cheer her up.

"That would be great," Marianna chirped. "You should meet Jake."

She ushered off with Jessica into the backyard. Xander now left with Ayden had to try and fix his mood also. Xander held onto Ayden's arm and pulled him towards a more secluded area. Xander ignore how Ayden wanted him to release his arm. Safely finding a quiet place. Xander asked. "What's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong," Ayden ran a hand through his hair.

Xander wasn't convinced in the least. "No there is," he placed the presents on a table. "Ever since Jessica-" 

"Jessica said nothing," Ayden interrupted, avoiding Xander's gaze.

Their conversation was cut short when Jackson stormed into the room. "Xander!" He said in his usual loud tone. He walked up and slung his arms over Xander's shoulder. "I see you came," his eyes caught Ayden and said. "Your that guy from the movie theater."

"That's Ayden." Xander introduced. "Ayden, Jackson"

"Officially meeting your -" Jackson's words were cut short by Ayden's sudden interruption.

"I'll put away the presents" Ayden said, taking up the two perfectly wrapped gifts. He didn't know where the presents where situated but he was sure he'd find it.

When Ayden left the room. Jackson punched Xander in the arm and said. "What did you do?"

That was exactly what Xander wanted to know. They were perfectly fine before. Was Ayden probably finally expressing his feelings towards what Xander tried to do. The kiss. He didn't know what Jessica was going to say but it obviously  added fuel to Ayden's fire.

He soon forgot all his thoughts when Jackson started talking to him. They caught up on a lot of things. Jackson did the most talking. Xander didn't have anything particularly interesting happening in his life until recently. You could say this past week was the best of his life.  

Jackson noticed how Xander was smiling to himself. He hasn't said anything funny or something worthy of him smiling over. Jackson raised his brow out of curiosity. "What are you smiling about?"

Xander hadn't notice he was smiling. "Am I smiling?"

Jackson rolled his eyes playfully. "You were going like this," he did a full teeth smile. "Maybe not exactly like that," he laughed. "But what's got you smiling?"

As the day progress. The important questions that needed an answer always gets interrupted. As Marianna walked into the room they both stopped and looked at her.

"You guys never change," she said, referring to Jackson and Xander who sat close together. Jackson who had his legs on Xander and Xander who had his hand on Jacksons. "Close as always," if it was any normal person they would think they were dating.

Marianna pulled both their ears and said. "It's your nephew birthday and your here talking with this idiot." Jackson gave a playful hurtful expression. "Its time to cut the cake so get your asses out there"

With no fuss they went out into the living area. Jake, who had grown a lot over the years smiled widely at Xander when he saw him. Jessica stood just to the left. They had become friends in just the small period of time. Xander looked around and saw no sign of Ayden. He was about to go look for him when Jackson pulled him into the sofa.

Xander was use to his friends clingy ness but still asked. "Where's your girlfriend?"

"She couldn't make it. Something came up with her parents," Jackson said as he rested his head on Xander's shoulder and linked their arms. Jackson was getting quite comfortable while Xander was getting restless. He needed to find Ayden.

If Jessica was still here then so was he. Mariana came into the room with a huge three layered cake that was decorated with baseball items. As Jake blew out his thirteen candles and they sang happy birthday. It wasn't until Marianna got to cutting the cake that Ayden arrived.  

Xander noticed how he looked unusual. His hair was a mess and he looked tired. His eyes met with Xander and he glared at him.

Ayden stormed over in Xander's direction. A sudden fear struck Xander at the thought that something might happen. Before he could get to his feet. Ayden launched a punched straight onto Jackson's nose. Everyone stopped and turned in their direction. Xander who quickly grabbed a hold of Ayden smelt alcohol.

He turned towards Jessica. "Let's go Jessica" she hurried over to him also frightened by Ayden's behavior. Xander then turned to his older sister and said. "We're sorry," he knew he had to explain to her later. She wasn't going to be angry, she would just want to understand why.

Xander held Ayden into his arms and carried him out. When they got to his car Jessica asked. "Is daddy going to be okay?"

Xander nodded. "He's just tired."

The ride home made Xander think more than usual. As he tucked Jessica to bed. He went to check on Ayden. Xander had placed him in his room for the night. Opening his room door he saw that Ayden was still asleep. He pushed his blonde hair from his face and pulled the sheets closer. He couldn't help but worry as he admired his face.

As Xander was about to close the door he heard Ayden said. "Xander..... You're so... De....nse."


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