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Jessica crossed her arms and pouted on the opposite couch. Ayden and Xander had really messed up this time. They lowered their heads not daring to look at her.

"How could you!" Jessica exclaimed.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry" Ayden looked at her with puppy dog eyes trying to get her forgiveness. He nudged Xander signalling for him to do the same. 

"Jessica we're truly sorry." Xander met her cold gaze. "We just lost track of time."

It all began yesterday after they left the café. Losing track of time, Ayden was late in picking up Jessica. Ayden trying to explain himself said he was out with Xander.

Jessica was mostly upset with Xander. She had specifically told him she hated staying after school, yet, he allowed her father to be late in picking her up. 

Just what was wrong with adults.

Ayden tried to win Jessica over with the teddy bear they won. She took it but refused to talk to either. One thing led to another and here they were begging for forgiveness.

Jessica snorted, turning her head to the side. "We'll do anything you want," Xander offered.

That seemed to have caught Jessica's attention. "What do you want honey?" Ayden asked.

Xander berated himself. At a time like this he was thinking about how Ayden said the word honey. Jessica took up her teddy bear and started walking towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Ayden asked, getting up to go after her. Xander also got up.

Jessica was already putting on her shoes. "Xander's taking us to the movie theater" she stood and said.

Ayden looked at Xander. He did say he'll do anything she wants. If she wanted to go to the movie theatre. Her wish is his command. Xander took his coat, car keys and wallet. The duo stood at his car waiting.

"You don't have to do this," Ayden said as they drove to the movie theater. "I feel like we're taking advantage of you."

"You worry too much," Xander sighed. "Plus I enjoy spending time with her." He let his hands purposefully brushed against Ayden's arm for a reaction. "With both of you," he added.

After yesterdays events. Any physical contact they shared was like adding gasoline to the fire. Xander knew how sensitive Ayden had become. Teasing him every chance he got. The lingering heat left on Ayden's arm made him want to jump out the window. He knew Xander was teasing him and Ayden loved it. The constant reminder of Xander's hands on his ass made it difficult to look at the older man in his eyes.

They arrived at the movie theater. Jessica ran inside. There weren't many people due to the most popular movies starting already.

"What do you want to watch?" Xander asked so he could go buy the tickets.

Jessica ran up to one of the movie posters. It was rather colorful. "Trolls!" she said excitedly.

Both Xander and Ayden had to abide by her request. Xander left to buy the three tickets. Then went to buy the popcorn and soda.

"Xander," he heard a familiar voice said, placing a hand on his shoulders.

Turning Xander was met with Hazel eyes and midnight hair. He immediately started smiling. "When did you get in town?"

"A few days ago," he replied.

Xander couldn't believe his eyes. Before him stood his one and only best friend, Jackson. He had left a few months ago for business and they hadn't been in touch since. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xander nudged his shoulders.

"I wanted to surprise you at Jake's birthday party," Jackson revealed his plan. "Well, surprise."

Xander laughed. "Are you're here alone?" he didn't see Jackson with anyone.

"Ah, I just came out for some more popcorn. My girlfriend's waiting on me."

They had so much to catch up on but it wasn't the right time time.

"When I saw you I was like there's no way that's Xander." Jackson chuckled. "The boring business man I remembered never came to the movies."

"I've changed," due to Jessica and Ayden it was mostly true. "I'm actually here with someone," he pointed to Jessica and Ayden. He noticed how Ayden looked a bit upset.

Jackson waved. "Got a kid now I see."

Xander choked on his breath. "She's not my daughter. He's her father," he referred to Ayden.

"And he is?"

"Just a... Friend."

The words where painful to leave Xander's mouth.

"Well I'll see you next week."

They hugged and parted ways. Ayden didn't say anything as they went to watch the movie. The animated movie turned out to be good. Xander found himself laughing a lot even humming the songs he knew.

Ayden on the other hand was in a grumpy mood. When the movie ended and Jessica went to use the bathroom. Xander turned to the younger man. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," Xander persisted.

Just then, Jackson yelled from across the room. A girl nested in his arms"Don't break his heart."

A crowd of people looked at Xander. Jackson was always the loud one. And no one's breaking anyone's heart.  

"You have quite the friend," Ayden gave a small smile.

Xander smiles himself at Ayden's change in mood. Jessica came back and they all left. Walking towards Xander's car. Jessica made her way between the two. She held one of Xander's hands and one of Ayden's. Anyone would think they're a family.

"I forgive you both."


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