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"You can have it" Xander pushed it in Ayden's direction. The cup was too big for Ayden to finish all by himself. 

Ayden looked around to see a few couples happily drinking from their glasses together. Ayden turned on the seat to face Xander. Pushing the latte in the center of the two.   

"I think we should try it," Ayden suggested. Xander didn't think Ayden would suggest such a think. Of course Xander didn't have a problem. It was just new to him. "If it gets a bit to..." He tried to find the right word. "We just stop."

Xander looked at the latte. It really looked delicious. He took his straw in his mouth. Hesitating before he took a sip. Ayden did the same. As much as they tried to avoid each others gaze they couldn't.

They both wore a faint smiles. It was as embarrassing as they'd imagined yet, the felt completely comfortable by the situation. The other made themselves feel like they swallowed butterflies at each sip. By this time they were halfway through the drink.

Ayden broke away and said. "This is delicious." he bit his bottom lip and glanced at Xander. "And you're quite...." He blushed.

"Handsome," Xander finished. Trying to contain his own feelings of excitement.

"She told you." Ayden shook his head and laughed in disbelief. Just how much more embarrassing can this day get.

"Indeed she did." Xander nodded. "Thank you."

Ayden was still shocked by the fact Jessica told Xander that he thought he was handsome. Just what else had she told the older man.

"Sorry to interrupt the lovely moments our couples are having," the same waitress who greeted them upon arriving said over a microphone. Everyone turned their attention to her. "As mentioned before we will be playing some games and of course there will be are prizes"

A few other waiters pushed a huge table out. It was filled with many gifts. What caught everyone's attention was the huge teddy bear situated in the center. It had a smaller one in its arms.

The announcer continued. Picking up an apple in the process. "I need a volunteer," many began volunteering themselves. She selected a few to come up. She explained what they had to do. "One of you must take this apple," she pushed it forward like it was a special item. "And put it in your partners mouth." The task sounded easy enough making everyone more eager.

"Sounds east right?" Everyone sounded a 'yes'. 

"But there's a catch." 

They silenced themselves and listened. She called forward a couple. A blacked haired woman and a tall brown haired man smiled happily to be chosen first. She placed the apple between them both just in the center of their belly. Standing close enough they held the apple firmly in place. "Now bring the apple to your partners mouth without using your hands" she instructed the woman.

She looked at the waitress as if she was serious. Either way she attempted. She used her upper body and chin to get the apple just to his chest then it fell. Xander and Ayden watched as many couples tried but failed. One couple almost got close but the girl was too short it ended up falling.

"No winners so far" the waitress said. At this point only a few considered trying. "How about that lovely couple over there" she pointed at Xander and Ayden.

They should've left when they had the opportunity. They were too busy enjoying the show. They would fail just as the others. "Let's give it a try" Xander said enthusiastically. It was worth the try.

They both got up and made way to miniature stage. The waitress placed the apple between them both. Ayden was shorter than Xander so it was definitely going to be more difficult. "Begin"

Ayden slowly brought himself lower being careful enough not to let the apple fall. Attaining the level he wanted he started using his chin to roll the apple up. It nearly fell a couple of times but Ayden was quick. Their awkward position made the crowd give a series of small cheers.

Safely getting it to a distance. Xander thought it was time for him to do something. Ayden was obviously shorter so getting it up to Xander's mouth was another problem. Xander for some reason is full of surprises today. Grabbing Ayden by his two legs he hoist him up onto his waist. Startled, Ayden wrapped his leg and arms around Xander for dear life. Noticing the apple about to fall Ayden pushed his chest forward. Firmly securing it between them both. The crowd was whistling and shouting. Even the waitress couldn't believe her eyes. Ignoring the position and the  way Xander's large hands grope his ass, he moved the apple upwards. Placing it in Xander's mouth.

"We have a winner" the waitress shouted over the microphone. Realising they'd won. Xander let Ayden down. "As our special winners I'll let you choose your gifts."

"The teddy bear," Xander waited no time in answering. He saw how Ayden had looked at it the moment it came out.

One of the waiters bought it over. Xander collected it and gave it to Ayden. "I hope you like it."

Ayden thanked him. He's never received such a gift before. "I can't believe you did that." Ayden said as they walked to Xander's car.

"I wanted to get you that teddy bear," Xander said. "You can even give Jessica the smaller one."


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