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Six years later:

Rainy days holds a special meaning for them. A first meeting, first love and happiness, all bundled up on that special day. If someone had told them the events leading after that day they wouldn't have believed such a thing. Yet here they were living it.

Ayden could feel the other side of the bed dip. Xander drew his slightly wet body against Ayden. Kissing his neck and leaving traces of his love. A slight moan leaves Ayden lips. "I have to get up early," Ayden said, turning to look his husband in the eyes.

Fours years of marriage and he still couldn't get use to looking into his marvelous brown eyes. They held so much meaning and emotions for Ayden. Xander ignored Ayden's words as he started kissing him. Every kiss felt like their first. Gentle, passionate and filled with love.

Xander found himself on top of Ayden. Nibbling on his lips as his hands roams his body. Ayden shivers from pleasure at each touch. He could feel Xander's hard member pressed against his. There was no use trying to convince him anymore. They were both beginning to drown in pleasure.

Tugging his shirt off. Xander sucked on his nipples. Pleasurable moans left Ayden's lips once more. Ayden hadn't realised his pyjama pants were gone until Xander pressed his large hands against his erecting member. Xander loved teasing Ayden, making him beg for more. Xander touched the tip of his cock oozing with pre-cum.

Ayden tightened his legs around Xander. "Hurry up and put it in," he said between moans.

Xander who was ready to rip his pants off and drown in pleasure along with his husband came to a halt. The crying sounds of a baby echoed through the room. "Let Jess take care of it," Ayden said. He needed Xander and he needed him now.

"Jess is out with her boyfriend remember," Xander told him. Jess having a boyfriend turned Ayden to that overprotective dad at first but he'd grown to accept that his little girl wasn't so little again.

"Damn it," Ayden hissed. "This is your fault, " he blamed Xander. His aching member needed attention and that wasn't going to happen now.

"Just jerk off in the bathroom," Xander said. "Think of me doing all those naughty things to you," he kissed Ayden.

Ayden threw a pillow at him as he walked out the door. After a year they both decided to move in together. That same year Xander proposed. A year later they got married and four years later they adopted Jonathan, their second child. Xander took Jonathan out of his crib. He calmed the crying babying as he sung and rock him back and forth. Xander was a mess as any first dad's are. Ayden did most of the work. Now he's as golden as can be.

Xander walked with Jonathan down the stairs. Family photos decorated the walls. From embarrassing ones such as Jessica's first makeup test on Xander to memorable ones such as Lisa's wedding. The day Xander vowed to marry Ayden and the day he became his boyfriend.

Ayden soon came downstairs and took Jonathan. He was all cleaned up and free from a aching boner. Xander who on the other hand had calmed down ages ago still needed his release. Ayden wasn't going to get much sleep tonight. The front door opened and in came sixteen year old Jessica.

"Night dad," she placed a kiss on both her dad cheeks. "Hey Jona," she gave her younger brother a kiss.

Xander smiled happily. His once boring and typical lifestyle was replaced with a family that he loved. "I love you my Sunshine's," he hugged all three.

As Jessica went to her room and Ayden went back upstairs with Jonathan. Xander looked at a bouquet of  hydrangeas sitting in a vase. 

He truly was the luckiest and happiest guy in the world.


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