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Xander called into work that day, he had to take Jessica to school and he wasn't going to leave Ayden alone. Xander was making toast while Jessica was getting ready. Ayden has yet to woken up and it worried Jessica.

Xander brought a plate of breakfast for Jessica to eat. He placed it in front of her and sat beside her. "Ayden's going to be okay," he assured her.

Xander himself was worried. To see Ayden act so out of  character was new for him and punching Jackson made him worry even more. He hadn't talk to Jackson yet even though he got hurt physically. Xander's worry was directed at Ayden. His friends could always wait.

"Is it my fault," Jessica asked. "Because of what I said in the car."

Xander didn't want Jessica to be blaming herself. He was sure Ayden didn't want that too. "Its not your fault Jessica. Your dad was just angry."

Jessica turned to look at him. Tears threaten to fall from her eyes. "But he's angry at me."

Xander engulfed her into a hug. "No he isn't," he gently pushed her away from the hug as she calmed down. "Tell you what. After school we go get ice cream to cheer Ayden up. Do you know which flavor he likes."

It seemed to do the trick as Jessica wiped her tears away and said. "Strawberry," she sniffles.

"And what flavor do you like?"

"Chocolate," she said softly.

"Then ice cream for the both of you," Xander smile. "We could surprise Ayden."

Jessica gave a small smile. "Promise?"

"Pinky promise."

This was the second promise they'd made. Xander almost forgot about the first one since Jessica hadn't said anything about that Lin again. As Jessica calmed down they talked about lots of different things until it was time to drop Jessica off at school.

As Xander waved goodbye. He got that familiar feeling again like last time. What he thought was the last time wasn't. As he drove back home he thought about Ayden. If he was up and taken something for his hangover.

His phone began ringing and it was Marianna. Xander sighed as he thought she wanted to talk about what happened at the birthday party.

"Hey," he answered the phone. Keeping his eyes on the road.

"Hey kid brother," Mariana said then paused. "How's everything?"

Xander knew she was referring to Ayden. "Everything's fine," he told her. "Sorry about the party."

"That's fine," she assured him. "That's not what I called for," Xander  raised a brow. "Jackson's coming over to your house."

Xander's eye widen. "Why?" This isn't the time to have Jackson over.

"Well I was the one who sent him over," Marianna admitted. "You forgot the cake and I told him to bring them over."

"You could've waited," Xander yelled.

"No need to yell. You two need to talk anyways," she said. "Why is my brother so stupid?" she said before hanging up.

Xander pulled up before his house. There was no sign of another car. Jackson wasn't here as yet. When Xander got inside he noticed Ayden pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning," Xander said as he approached him.

Ayden spilled a bit of coffee on the counter. He turned to look at Xander but said nothing.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Jess?" Ayden ignored Xander's previous inquiry.

"I just dropped her off at school."

Ayden said nothing but walked pass Xander. He quickly grabbed his arm and said. "Aren't we going to talk?"

"Okay," Ayden yanked his arm from Xander. He took a seat. Slamming his cup on coffee on the counter. Not caring that he spilt his coffee. "Let's talk."

Xander also took a seat. "About yesterday," he didn't know where to start. "Why did you do that?" Ayden sat silently. "If you don't tell me I'll worry even more than I should,"

"What is Jackson to you?"

"A friend" Xander replied quickly.

Ayden scoffed. "Do you act all cuddle buddy with all your friends"

Xander then understood the situation. "Are you jealous?" as much as Xander wanted to take the situation seriously he couldn't help but smile at the thought that Ayden was jealous. Maybe he did  feel something for Xander.

"I-I'm not," Ayden fumbled over his words.

"Then I'll not let Jackson touch me ever again," he said. "In fact I won't let anyone touch me. Only you."

Ayden blushed deeply at his words. He was suppose to be angry not blushing like a love sick puppy. "D-Don't say things like that."

"If its what gets you to feel better I'll say it again," Xander moved closer to Ayden. "Only you are allowed to touch me," he kept repeating.

He didn't stop until Ayden's phone started ringing. Ayden thought it was just work. When he answered it was from Jessica's school. He immediately started to worry. Xander waited until the call ended to ask Ayden why he had such a worried expression.

"What happened?"

"Jessica," Ayden said, making Xander worry. He had just dropped her off. What could've happen. 

"She got into a fight."


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