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(Still part of beach escapade)

Lauren's pov

Perrie was really pissed earlier i feel like if one of us still talked about Jade missing, she'll explode. Suddenly she left us, i stood up and said "I'll go get her, all of them gave me a reassuring smile.
Perrie was walking really fast and i had no idea where she was going, once i was near her i grabbed her arm and stopped her at her tracks, she looked at me and she was already crying. Perrie didn't said a word but instead i pulled her to a tight hug.

"Shh Perrie we'll find her okay?
She just cried even harder.
I....it's all....m..y fa....u..lt, she said while sobbing.
"It's no one's fault Pez, we didn't know where she'd go.
Bu....t, she was about to say something but i pulled away from our hug.
"Hey pez look at me, i said while grabbing her shoulders. Stop blaming yourself, neither one of us didn't want this. Maybe she's just out there taking a walk, it's still early pez. Danielle was right you need to calm down.
Okay, is all that she can say.

We went back to our table and just continued to eat in silence.

Jed's pov

"Norma! There you are, i said as i pulled her to a friendly hug.
So where's Jade? She ask
"She's at (insert beach name)

(After Norma heard about Jade's relationship with Perrie she immediately went to my place.)

"You wanna see her?
Ofcourse so that i can take her away from that Perrie.
"Well c'mon it's a pretty long drive.

Skip car ride.

What time is it? Norma asked
"6:30 am
You think she'll be awake?
I'm gonna make her.

We went to the supervisor and ask about Jade.

"Goodmorning Mr. May i know if a girl named Jade Thirlwall has checked in?
Wait a sec Sir. Well she has and she is not alone, she have friends with her.
"Well may i talk to her?
Let me call their phone.
"Thank you, then we sat at the lobby.

Jade's pov

I heard the landline ringing so i answered it so that the guys wouldn't wake up.

"Hello? I said, you can still hear the sleepiness from my voice.
Um hello Ms. Thirlwall, i'm sorry to disturb you but somebody is looking for you at the lobby.
"Who are they?
There are two of them, a guy and a lady. The lady said that she's your mother.

"Fuck no, i thought. I'll be there. Then i hung up. What the fuck is she doing here? I started to sweat and get scared, what if my dreams were true? What if she'll take me away from Perrie. NO NO NO. What my mum wants what my mum gets, if i didn't obey her she can do anything, even kill a person. My mum isn't actually like that in fact she was really sweat towards me but everything change when my dad found another "someone" and left me with mum. She started to use drugs and marijuana. It's slowly eating her brain, sometimes when she didn't get what she want she would go nuts or worse kill an animal. I'm scared.

I slowly went outside and went straight at the lobby. There they was, my mum and Jed? He's here? Suddenly i remembered all the pain that he caused me.

Babyyy! Imissyou, he said while trying to come near me.
"Don't you dare, i said while pointing at him. Then suddenly my mum came.
And why? he's your boyfriend he can do whatever he wants to you.

I didn't say anything, i just looked down, bit my bottom lip and fiddled my finger.
"Don't tell me You and Jed are over? May i know HIS name? She said while exclamating the word "His".

I didn't reply.
"Oh yeah my bad, HER NAME.

I looked at my mum and i could see the anger in her eyes.
I tried to say something but she stopped me, before i knew it there was a sting at my cheek. She slapped me, my mother slapped me.


Oh yeah did i mentioned my father left my mum over a guy? Yeah that's when she started to be homophobic.

The whole crew was staring at us.
Let's go Jade! You will come with me this instant! Whether you like it or not!
"NO! I yelled
Huh? So you're disobeying me? You know what i can do right? Come with me or else that Perrie will go bye bye.

I didn't replied, i knew she was right.
My mum paid all the crew to shut their mouth.
"That's a million dollars,shut all your mouth or else ya'll never gonna talk again, permanently. Get her in the car Jed, we're going home. She said while walking away.
C'mon baby, come with us.he said
NO! I yelled
Don't start with me jade, you'll regret it.

I tried to run but he caught me, he pulled out something from his pocket and covered my nose, before i knew it i was already asleep.

Ps: No hate against Norma! She's a cool mum! And ofcourse Jed! He's a sweet guy 💞
Pps: Spread the luuuuv
Ppps: This is just a fanfic, please don't let it change the way you look at the real person in every character.

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