Jed's plan

639 17 4

A/n they're still on vacay.

(Meanwhile at Jed's place)

So ya'll having fun in your beach escapade huh, I know you'll pay for this Edwards. I said while scrolling through my phone, I know exactly how. I remembered that Jade's parents are homophobic, let's see how they will react to their precious daughter dating a girl.

I called Norma's number and she didn't answer, i tried again then finally.

"Hey Norma
Hi there Jed, how's things between you and my daughter? Always look out for her okay.
"Yeah about that
Did something happened?
What is it? Are you two okay?
"We broke up
Well that's a bummer but the both of you need to move on. Why did you broke up anyway? Are you both okay with your decisions?
"I loved Jade i really did, Seems like she was inlove with someone else. She broke up with me via text message.
I'm sorry to hear that Jed.
"She's already dating someone right now.
May i know his name?
Perrie like P-E-R-R-Y?
"No it's P E R R I E, she's a girl.
"Jade replaced me over a girl
"Thank you Norma, i really appreciated it.
For you Jed.

End of phone call.

Your fun days are over Perrie make sure to treasure your moments with Jade, sooner or later She'll be mine. Again.


Perrie's pov

Jade and i walked hand in hand to meet up with the guys.

There you are you two lovebirds, i heard Jesy yelled.
We already set up the bonfire, we were waiting for you two, Leigh said.
"Well here we are, i said while sitting at the white sand.

We formed a circle, Lauren was sitting on my right while Jade was on my left, next to Jade was Danielle then Zayn then Jesy then Leigh then back to Lauren.
"So what are we up to?
We're playing spin the bottle Pez!
Oh that's great Lauren, i heard Jade said and i was pretty sure she was mocking Lauren.
Alright alright lets just play, Leigh said as she spun the bottle.

It stopped at Danielle and Zayn.
Alright Danielle, truth or dare? Zayn said.
I looked at Danielle and she pretended to be in deep thoughts by tapping her chin.
Hmm, I dare you to kiss your bestfriend.
That's it? Okay, hey Jade look at me.

Then i saw them kiss. It was just a peck but i wanted to pull jade away form that chicc.

Alright enough of that Jesy said then she spun the bottle.

It stopped at Lauren and Leigh
Hey gal! Truth or dare, Leigh said.
I dare you to kiss the prettiest human being, only in our circle ofcourse.

I was looking at the fire when i felt a hand on my cheek then before i know it somebody kissed me. Once that person pulled away i saw Lauren,
"You think i'm pretty? Thank Lo! I said
She just smilled in response.

I glanced over Jade and she was lookimg so pissed.
"What's the matter baba?
Nothing. She said coldly.

Alright alright let's continue, i heard Danielle said.

The night was really fun, we've all exchange truth's and dare's. It was getting late so we needed to go back to our room.

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