t w e n t y

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corbyn let's out a sharp breath before pulling daniel's face near his own, where he let's their lips have a little bit of space in between them.

less than an inch.

'you shouldn't do this' something in his head whispers.

corbyn can feel daniel's breath hitch.

corbyn breathes out once more and presses their lips together, gently.

"He's kissing the boy who makes him question his own sexuality."

corbyn had pulled away from the flushed brunette who looked dazed and confused.

he held his breathe as he quickly turned around and closed the door before saying a quick, "good night."

daniel hadn't stopped the boy, he just stood there getting red in the face.

confusion spread across his body a long with a bit of happiness.

corbyn ran straight in to his room, closing the door and pressing his back to it as a smile spreads across his lips as he heard the door click.

his body slightly tingles as he just stands there.

after five minutes of just standing there with a smile on his lips, he finally walked over to his bed in the dark where he fell face forward on to his bed.

the smile never left his lips as he just laid there in the dark, knowing he wasn't going to sleep.

who knew kissing the brunette could make him so happy.

"it's simply a bonus cause the brunette wasted no time kissing him back."

some where during five in the morning, corbyn had fallen asleep with his action playing through his mind.

when he woke up his stomach hurt and he realized that was his stomach doing flips.

his anxiety quickly came to remind him of his embarrassing action.

this was that little voice talking to him in his head before he kissed daniel.

"you shouldn't do this."

damn right he shouldn't have done this cause now he's screeching.

he doesn't wanna leave his room, its seems like the best place to be at this very moment.

then his front door opening snapped him out if his thoughts and he now remembered what made him wake up.

the sound of a car door being slammed from outside.

"shit" he quickly said before slinging himself out of his bed to check his phone.

'12:37' was the time and three missed calls from Jonah, and over twenty text.

"shit, shit, shit" he kept repeating as he quickly moved towards his closet where he grabbed one of his hundred black hoodies.

jonah is gonna be pissed.

"corbyn. matthew. fucking. besson!" the male screeched from downstairs.

he didn't answer.

it was quiet for a second and then he heard the door closest to his own creak open.

feet hit each step quickly and hard as jonah moves up the stars, expecting it to be corbyn.

"jonah?" his sleepy voice sounded fucking adorable.

corbyn is to lazy to change out of his adidas sweatpants, so he didn't and he listens to daniel and jonah.

"sorry i forgot you were staying" jonah's voice instantly became sweet and caring.

corbyn took the moment to just jump back into his bed and quickly pull the blankets over him self.

"is corbyn still asleep?" jonah asks and daniel just answers with "i d-don't know, m-maybe."

corbyn dies for a second.

then his door is opened in a swift motion and jonah is pouncing on him like a cat catching his prey.

"wake yo bitch ass up" jonah's once sweet voice becomes stern and angry.

corbyn let's out a noise that sounds like a dying dog.

jonah has always been able to shift his emotions around quickly. he is bipolar as fuck.

"be c-careful!" daniel quickly says from where he stands.

"i'm gonna kill you" jonah whispers so only corbyn can hear, then he turns to daniel as he get off me, "i'm just messing around."

corbyn gives him a look before flipping the boy off.

"i'll break that finger" jonah says before saying, "we're late for coffee, get dress you lazy fuck."

which is obviously directed towards corbyn.

daniel gives him a weird look and jonah asks if he wants to go to. he nods.

"i'll be waiting in the car" jonah says as he leaves the room.

which leaves the two alone.

corbyn simply smiles at the boy, ignoring the butterflies attacking his stomach.

daniel's face instantly goes red.

"good morning."


i still haven't done my homework, and we had a snow day

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i still haven't done my homework, and we had a snow day. but my lazy ass still didn't do it.

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