The Hospital

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Jamie's POV

I caught my sister as she fell.

"TARION" I yelled, I gentlely layed her down and started to check her pulse Thump Thump Thump

her pulse was stll alive and beating but i'm still worried for her it's not everyday your sister collapses infront of you.

I started to trek forward carrying Tarion bridal style with her head resing in te crook of my neck. I knew from the maps that there was a very small town a little up north with a hospital it was a different direction of where we were trying to go but if Tarion gets worse than whats the point of my life when all my family are dead.

I have been walking for two hours and I can see a light in the disance, It's the town I thought.

A spark of energy burst though me as I realised I was nearly at my goal and could finally get help for my sister.

The front of the town was right in front of me. I was just abount to enter when I get yanked back,

"OH WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?"  a loud voice yells at me, and I easily locate it to a women right beside me staring at Tarion and I.

"Please" I plead "My sister is sick I need to get her to a hospital" The woman glared at me but her eyes softened upon my sister 

"Ok, the hospital is on the second left from here you shouldn't miss it"

I smiled up at the lady

"Thank you so much, my sister's the only family I have left"

 The women gave a small smile

"My son died of the disease, I wish your sister luck and hope she survives"

I was about to reply but I felt something liquid drip down back, something thick, somthing red,


"Run now, get the hospital as fast as you can she needs help" The lady informed me. I gave a quick nod and dashed off 'please be ok, sis I can't lose you to.'

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