camp & a cold

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Picture of Jamie>>>>>>

Tarion's POV

My brother and I were standing infront of our mum's grave.

"you ready to go" Jamie asked me,

"Yeah Jay" I replied using his old nickname. My brother pulled me close to him and enveloped me into a massive hug.

"It's going to be ok, we'll be fine" He murumed as he lightly kissed the top of my head.

"I sure hope so" We broke apart as I went to ask him a question.

"Hey Jay" I turn to him.

"Yes?" he answers back to me.

"We're really going to Australia aren't we?". I question him.

"Of course" He gives me a small smile "It's the only safe place?".

Jamie lifts his hand up and starts ruffling.

"Hey grab your stuff we'll be leavig now" Jamie tells me with a quiet tone, I nod and quickly grab my backpack, it had my clothes, some food and more ecensial stuff. I grab my small shoulder bag as well which carries things I love and hold value to me.

I turn to look at my broken house once more then my mother's grave. goodbye I'll miss you I thought as I hold hand with my brother on my right and give it a tight squeeze. He looks down at me and smiles a goofy grin and squeezes my hand back.. I give my brother a firm nod, which was the signal telling him i'm ready to go.

As Jamie and I walk out the gate I couldn't stop that tearwn my cheek. We're leaving home, the place we've lived inour entire lives, the place we were raised in, and I don't think we're going to return.

We've been walking for hours and it's near 5:30 now.

"RiRi" Jamie says using my nickname "We can stop here for the night then start moving again in the morning". As soon as he finished that sentence I dropped to the ground exhausted, only to have Chrissy come and lick me on the face.

"Chrissy" I laugh at her trying to stand up.

I look around me we stopped right next to a river and were being shaded against a whole group of trees.

We started to set up camp and plan where we're going.

"I'm going to take a dip in the lake Jay" I say to Jamie. He ruffles my hair,"Sure thing just try not to get a cold ok" he chukles.I look over at Jamie,"yeah yeah," I replied with a look of mock annoyance.

Floating in the river gave me time to think about what I've lost, my mum, my home, most of my belongings. I couldn't help the tears from leaking down my face as I remembered my misfortunes.


I starting to worry for Tarion, she's been in the lake for ages.

"Hey RiRi" I call out "You ok over there".

I stood still waiting for her answer,

"Y-Yeah I'm g-getting out n-now" came a choked reply.

It's been ten minutes I wonder what taking her so long I think, but stop as I see Tarion wobbling over to me and I couldn't help but notice her bloodshot eyes. I pull her into a hug

"It's going to be ok Tarion, just you wait and see we'll go to Australia and start a new life there" I assure her.

"Good because I don't feel so well, I think I got a cold Jay" she informs me.

"Wait wha..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because all of a sudden she just collasps in my arms.

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