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You: hi it's been a whole day and you still haven't answered
You: ...
You: i swear
You: i will go to your house and break your door
You: my phone's missing your buzz
You: i'm really worried now
You: felix please answer me


You: minhoe do you know where felix lives

minho likes to party: Actually no

You: wow what kind of best friend are you

minho likes to party: He never told me
minho likes to party: And he looked so afraid whenever i brought up going to his house
minho likes to party: So i avoided the question

You: oh
You: does anyone know where he lives then

minho likes to party: I'll ask Jisung, I'm sure he's been there a few times

You: alright thanks minhoe

minho likes to party: Welcome trashbin


You: Hi J
You: Do you remember Felix's address?

♡: yes
♡: but i can't give it to you

You: Why?

♡: reasons.

You: Does he not trust me at all?
You: How come you got to go but I never even saw a glimpse?
You: Me and Felix have been best friends for years.

♡: it's not that
♡: there was a specific reason why i was there

You: Care to elaborate?

♡: i
♡: i can't.

You: Goddamn why are you so secretive
You: Can you visit him then
You: It's been a day with no contact

♡: Hasn't this happened before

You: Yes but it has Changbin worried

♡: oh
♡: the guy that kissed him

You: They don't have anything going on between them

♡: totally explains why he kissed him

You: J
You: Just visit him
You: Changbin's another story

♡: i will do

You: Take care J <3

♡: i will for you M x


Three faint knocks against glass was all it took to get Felix's attention.

Two boys, formerly together, now stood in a room, staring at each other.

One simple sentence.

"Thank you, I needed somebody."



this is another short not so fluffy chapter i'm sorry

all will make sense soon (,:

also thank you all sO MUCH!! i have 1k votes and around 7k reads and i'm so grateful for every one of them. You guys are so supportive and are the reason i'm even motivated to continue this

i love you guys so much and i'm so happy, this support is overwhelming.

thank you. ♡

i hope you enjoyed and once again i love you aLl !!!! <33

i hope you enjoyed and once again i love you aLl !!!! <33

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answers ; changlix [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now