5-he chose you.

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felix tagged along to every one of minho's dance lessons, in hope that changbin would be there

sadly, he never was.

min-no: Hi
min-no: Answer me truthfully
min-no: Is the reason why you go to the dance studio with me because i told you changbin danced there?

You: tbh yes|
You: tbh y|
You: tb|
You: no wtf
You: i like dance

min-no: Hm
min-no: Fine
min-no: Do u have time to come to mine tonight?

You: sorry, date with j.

min-no: Oh
min-no: Right ((: You guys are so cute together

You: i'm still so sorry.

min-no: It's nothing, I'm over him (:

You: you don't seem like you are..

min-no: I am, I promise

You: if it's really bothering you..

min-no: Nono, do not break up with him because of me.
min-no: He chose you (:

You: seriously, you've been my best friend since birth basically, i want you to be happy

min-no: i am happy

You: i can tell when you lie

min-no: No u can't

You: is changbin single?

min-no: Yea, why??? (;

You: maybe he can make you happy

min-no: No he can't
min-no: I'll be fine, don't worry.

You: no you won't
read: 15:47


my love ♡: hi sweetheart
my love ♡: ur picking me up right?

You: hello petal (-:
You: yes i am, i'll be there soon

my love ♡: great (((:

You: knock knock my love (-:


You: hey r u on
You: hi
You: hello
You: gday
You: ur usually always on );
You: have i been replaced
You: okay
You: bye i guess

"don't think so much about it, changbin, his phones probably dead or on silent." he muttered to himself, sighing. "god, what am i even doing, he has a boyfriend."


hellooo !!

this is sorta a filler chapter because the next one is quite a big one !

and yes i still haven't thought of who the boyfriend is but its between two pretty obvious people whoops

do noT attack my poor boy who did nothing but love his boyf )): he has a special significance in this plot and for a good reason !!

thank you all for the views n votes n stuff && i lOVE ur comments keep em going

i love u all so much ♡

i love u all so much ♡

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