dance progress. feb-5-2018

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If you have read some of my previous chapters before then you know that I'm a dancer.

I started to dance in 2nd garde and i did ballet but over time I lost my flexibility and my motivation.

In 6th grade is when I started wanting to dance again to become more fit and at first it was extremely hard.

But! Now I have come a very long way since 6th grade 😂 and I have improved and still am.

Last Friday i told my dance teacher that I couldn't get my pike and if you don't know what that is it's where you sit with both of your legs in front of you and put your head to you knees.

Anyway I could never get my pike until she pushed me down to the ground *I asked her to* and yes it hurt alot.

Something I forgot to mention in my last chapter was when your exercising or just beginning dancing and want to be more flexible or be healthy it's important to push past your limits.  Pushing past your limits means getting out of your Comfort zone and going that one extra step if it's not eating that cupcake someone offered you or going one extra lap on a run pushing past your limits to reach your goal that will over all make you a better person.

Anyway my teacher pushed me to the ground and..

I can now do a pike!! *IGNORE my face 😂😂😂👌* It hurt alot at first but the more I did it the less it hurt!

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I can now do a pike!! *IGNORE my face 😂😂😂👌*
It hurt alot at first but the more I did it the less it hurt!

Right now I'm working on getting my middle splits which I started doing on Monday *today😂*

Also! When I meant push past your limits I DO NOT mean that you have to not to eat or not treat your self from time to time. Pushing past your limits is supposed to help you reach a personal goal that will over all make you who you want to be but remain healthy and positive💖

It is important when you set a goal to contain a squedual and try your very best to stick with it😛✌

-Love Isabella👌💟

To marf : I saw the text but still can't respond until I think wensday.. (the guy canceled) but also if  Vincent is leaving that many texts he's honestly needs to chill out and go get a life 😂😂😂 just saying 😛😂😂🎉

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