Beach party

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I sit with the others watching Aang fire bend. This is so boring. Zuko is trying hard to train him. I wear as little clothes as possible while still being decent because of how hot it is. The sweat on my skin. I groan and tilt my head back. Wiping some sweat from my head. "Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?" Katara announces. I nod and she hands me one and Aang try's so hard to get one and we argue to let him have one. Zuko agrees. "Beach party!" Sokka yells. "Yeah!" I shout. We all strip down. I'm a little embarrassed at how much skin I'm showing but I'll manage. I run into the water and swim. I dunk my head and come back up. I step out of the water and check out Tophs little village. We walk over and Sokka has made a very terrible Suki. Just then it's blasted. "Ah!" We duck. It's Zuko. "Zuko!" I scream. I try my best to keep up. "Zuko this is crazy!" "No he needs to learn!" He runs faster. I lose them and the gang catches up to me. I watch as Zuko gets blasted out of the building. I run to his side and rest on my knees next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked panicked. "What is wrong with you!?" Katara asks. "You coulda hurt Aang!" Shes right. "What's wrong with me?" I help Zuko to his feet. "What's wrong with all of you?" Zuko asks. "How can you sit around having beach parties when Sozins comet is only three days away? Why are you all looking at me like I'm crazy?" He asks. "About Sozins comet..." Aang starts. "I was actually gonna wait to fight the fire lord until after it came." "After?!" "I'm not ready yet. I need more time to master fire bending." "And frankly your earth bending could use some more work too." Toph adds. "So you all knew Aang was gonna wait?" "Honestly, If Aang tries to fight the fire lord right now he's gonna lose... no offense." Sokka says. "The whole point in fighting the fire lord before the comet was to stop the fire nation from winning the war. But they pretty much won the war when they took Basingsa. Things can't get any worse." Katara says. "You're wrong." Zuko says. "It's about to get worse than you could ever imagine. The day of meet for the eclipse my father asked me to attend an important war meeting. It was what I dreamed about and wanted for so many years. My father had finally accepted me back. I want to say I spoke out against his horrifying plan but I'm ashamed to say I didn't. My whole life I struggled to gain my fathers love and acceptance."
We all agree to fight the fire lord together. I sit with Katara and watch as Zuko teaches Aang how to redirect lightning.
Sokka puts together a nice little practice attack. I run with Zuko. Aang goes in to deliver the final blow. He stops. "I can't." Sokka kills the melon  instead.
"I have a surprise for every one!" Katara exclaims holing a scroll in hand. "It's baby Zuko!" "That's not me. It's my father." Aang try's to find a way to not kill the fire lord. Eventually he snaps and storms off. Sokka stops Katara from following him.
(The next day)
"Okay that's everything." Sokka says. "No it's not." We all look to Toph. "Where's Aang?" She asks. We all search the whole place but he's not there. Sokka finds his staff. We check the beach. We find his foot prints leading to the water. Toph decides to go with me and Zuko. Toph tells her life story while we look. "Look I know you ha a rough childhood but we should really focus on finding Aang."
We all meet up back at the place. We didn't find him. Zuko takes us to the earth kingdom since he's been tracking Aang his whole life.
We enter some tavern. We meet some chick named June. She has a mole that can sniff him out. He says if she can't find him. No one can.



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