Suspicious...? (Bucky Barnes)

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Neither of you had told anyone about your relationship. Not even Steve, and that's saying something. You both wanted to keep it a secret, at least for now. Even though Bucky was now residing in the Avengers' Tower, not all of the Avengers trusted him completely, thus leading to the decision to keep the fact that you and Bucky were dating a secret, just in case they would force the two of you to break up. Unfortunately, they all found out a little sooner than you'd liked.

It was dinner time, and the goings on at the Avengers dinner table was crazy as usual. Thor and Bruce were arguing about something trivial that the god of thunder simply didn't understand, Clint and Natasha were picking on each other, Tony was giving Steve pointers on how to pick up chicks, and you and Bucky were trying to ignore it all.

The two of you quietly ate away at your takeout (hey, it counts as a meal...), occasionally asking the other a few questions about their day or sweetly complimenting something.

Bucky had his right hand on your knee in an endearing gesture, the calming touch of skin on skin keeping him and his emotions in check (also because he liked to touch you...who could blame him?). 

No one at the table really took notice of the looks exchanged between you and Bucky, which was for the best. At least until you finished your plate of shrimp fried rice, then your secret boyfriend decided to be a sweetheart at the wrong time. 

"You want me to get you some more rice, babydoll?" he asked you. 

Everyone at the dining table froze, their eyes all turned to the both of you. Bruce and Thor both had their heads turned towards you, Clint's fork was halfway to his mouth, Lo Mein dangling from the tines. Natasha's jaw was slack, but her hand still held its grip on her best friend's ear. Tony almost looked like he was about to smile, but the shock was still too heavy, and Steve's eyes were as wide as his dinner plate, flicking them back and forth between you and Bucky.

Bucky's eyes were wide as well, having instantly realized his slip-up. You looked around at everyone and laughed nervously.

"So, um..." you tried to get them to at least stop staring at you, and after a few seconds they began to move again.

"Bucky, you're with (Y/N)?!" Steve cried, an enormous, dorky grin plastered on his patriotic face. 

"Yeah, I mean..." the Winter Soldier looked sideways at you, a loving glint in his beautiful blue eyes. "Of course."

Everyone exploded into shouts of congratulations, whoops and whistles (mostly from Tony), and  a punch in the shoulder to Bucky from Natasha followed by a wink, a warning to treat you right, or else. 

"Wait, wait, wait," you stammered, waving your hands around in an attempt to calm everyone. "You all are fine with this??"

Steve and Natasha nodded first, since their opinion mattered the most, Steve obviously being best friends with Bucky and Nat practically being like a second mother/aunt to you.

"It's adorable! Besides, Bucky is a trustworthy man. You deserve him, (Y/N)," Natasha smiled at you, and you returned hers with a tearful one.

"You deserve someone as amazing as (Y/N) too, Buck," Steve agreed, and Bucky turned a little pinker, his cheeks having already been dusted with blush after the rest of the Avengers had found out that the two of you were dating. "Just make sure you treat her right, or I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson. Got it?"

"Got it," Bucky winked, then turned and kissed your cheek, causing you to become slightly flustered, not yet used to PDA. "Ain't no way I'm gonna treat my doll wrong."

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