Too Late, But It's Okay (Avengers x Teenage!Reader)

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(Y/N) huffed as she shuffled down the hallway that led to the common room's kitchen, starving and ready for breakfast. She squinted her eyes as the unholy sunlight from the large kitchen windows beat into her vision. Her bed-messed hair fell into her eyes, and with great annoyance she blew the random strands out of her face. 

"Good morning, beautiful," Tony remarked with a grin on his handsome face, which only earned him a disoriented attempt at a slap that just missed his shoulder. 

"Aw, come on, (Y/N)," Clint cooed from his spot at the dining table. "Cheer up, it's only eight o'clock in the morning. That's not so bad." 

(Y/N) shook her head, slowly becoming alert. "Anything before eleven is heresy."

Clint, Natasha, and Tony all chuckled, and (Y/N) allowed herself to smirk, but only because she was inside the pantry grabbing cereal and the others couldn't see her. 

Later, while (Y/N) was enjoying her Fruity Pebbles with newfound vigor and energy, the rest of the Avengers finally decided to join the morning meal. 

Thor greeted the youngest Avenger with a loud hello and quite a suffocating hug. 

Steve, being the gentleman he was, gave her a bright smile and bid her good morning, asking how she slept and if she had pleasant dreams (he had always been concerned about (Y/N)'s dreams, ever since she woke up screaming from a nightmare and had to be calmed by the entire team).

The always shy Bruce Banner offered a small wave and a quiet hello. 

Bucky, whom (Y/N) had grown very close to, showed off his brilliant smile, as well as sporting a little ruffling of his friend's already mussy hair. 

"The gang's all here," (Y/N) mumbled to herself with a smile as she watched her teammates prepare breakfast and talk and laugh together. 


Later into the afternoon, Director Nick Fury summoned all the Avengers into a meeting, where he revealed a new mission he needed them to accomplish. Something about a Russian base, hostages, be careful, blah blah blah. (Y/N) was way too excited to remember every tiny detail. 

As the superheroes approached the snow-covered base in a quinjet, (Y/N) was practically shaking with excitement. It'd been forever since she'd accompanied the Avengers on a mission, and she was more than ready to feel the thrill of it all once again. 

After a long hour of silently waiting in the freezing woods for the changing of the guards, the group was able to finally infiltrate the base and get what they came for: the hostages. 

"Be careful, (Y/N)," Steve warned the girl after he posted her to outlook duty. "HYDRA won't go easy on you like we do in training. They will kill you if they get the chance. Do not give them that chance." He had looked straight into her (e/c) eyes, hoping that her childish sense of adventure would not cloud her judgement. "Promise me?"

"I promise," (Y/N) had said, her hope being that maybe one day the other Avengers, as nice to her as they were, wouldn't be so overprotective. 

But she knew that they only wanted the very best for her, so stay at her post she did. She was alert, except for the fact that her mind decided to wander off into Brendon Urie Land. No matter how hard she tried to bring her mind back to the present and make sure that she didn't let down her teammates, she just couldn't seem to focus on the task at hand. 

A shuffling sound could be heard off in the distance, and (Y/N) immediately straightened up, her hearing becoming more and more acute. 

"Guys..." she mumbled anxiously over the earpiece, "I think something's here..." Before anyone could respond, more than a dozen HYDRA agents poured in through a side doorway, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in sheer panic. "Oh, this is not good."

Poor (Y/N) was so frightened and caught off guard that she was too late getting in the first hit, and took a kick to the ribs. She fell to the ground and curled up in agony, but this only allowed her to be beaten by more and more HYDRA agents.

Steve was panicking right about then. First (Y/N)'s doubt about being alone in that hallway, then her ominous statement: 'Oh, this is not good.' After that, her earpiece had gone out, probably smashed or fallen out and into water. All he could think was that this was all his fault. After all, he was the one who had put (Y/N) on lookout duty. She was basically still a kid; there was no way she'd be able to handle something like a possible HYDRA attack. 

Natasha had tried to calm Steve down, saying that she was probably okay, she was stronger than she looked, they would find her, and everything would be okay. He usually believed Natasha, but this time the great Captain America was very doubtful. 

By the time Iron Man and Vision had finally been able to lock down on (Y/N)'s coordinates and everyone had arrived to her location, Steve's greatest fears had come true. 

There she lay, body broken and bleeding, her once bright (e/c) eyes now dull and glazed over with sorrow right before death, staring at the floor. Her mouth was ever so slightly open, her lips swollen and cracked, spotted with dried blood. The beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair she almost always kept back in a ponytail was alarmingly disheveled, some of it on the floor where a few HYDRA agents had ripped it from her head and tossed it away. Scarlet drops of blood dotted her scalp where the hair had been jerked, some of the droplets pooling together and running down her head and onto her neck where it made little puddles in her collarbone. Her neck and throat were horrifically bruised; blue, purple, and even black riddling the once perfect (s/c) skin.

Natasha turned away from the terrifying sight, attempting to choke back a sob and failing. Clint was right there, ready to comfort his best friend.

Bruce let several tears fall down his cheeks and splatter onto the floor. 

Tony and Steve couldn't look away, and both blamed themselves for what had happened to the poor girl. 

Thor and Bucky tried to keep up a stoic face, but ended up only crying instead.

(Y/N)'s funeral was soon after the incident, a sad yet joyous ceremony, for as (Y/N) had stated before:  "No black, just bright colors. You should be celebrating my life, not mourning my death."


Sorry it ended so sad, guys...

I've been going through a lot of emotional turbulence lately, so I guess I was kind of blowing off some steam...

I love you guys! <3

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