chApteR (4)

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"okay I will start but listen carefully,.."

When I was born my grandma went to visit us at home, she helped mother to get better . Most of her time was spent with me.

three years later , she was very ill and when she was taking her last breath, she gave me this necklace *showing it to them*. she told me not to take it off ever and said that she is always going to be beside me even after her death.

I couldn't understand what she meant but the time made everything visible to me . This necklace had changed my life to the worse . Every time I get angry even from the silly things it shine with a bright shining scary red and damage all what around me as to damage what annoyed me or to make him scared .

I hated this i don't want it any more !

until when i should be calm with this and what it do??!

should I stand and watch my whole life damaged or what ?!

I won't say anything else but I just want you to understand me and to forgive me if it done anything that would be harmful for you in the future.

*end of Tara's secret*

we were quite for a minute then juliana stood up went and opened the drawer and got a scissors from it she got near tara trying to hold the necklace but when she raised her hand the necklace shone again most harder than before but this time with the yellow colour . it pushed juli hardly and threw her to the wall of the room .

Elisa ran to her

"Are you ok ? what had just happened now ! juliana are you ok speak with me "

Eli said

juliana was wided eyes she stared at me for a while with her mouth opened.

"i , i , I'm really sorry but it wasn't in my hand , I, I just,...  I should leave now ..."

i said then I ran outside the house quickly

elisa tried to follow me but she couldn't.

"tara , Taraaa , wait girl my mom will arrive soon come on, ohhh she left but could she go alone oh what a shame."

This is the worst day ever . I'm walking now alone in the dark streets with no one only this stupid necklace ! i should get rid of it. but how ?! Ahh i won't i can't .

look what she done with my friend .

I ran , ran as fast as possible by not knowing where I am going till I hit someone . I fell down to the ground then looked at his face ohh not now !! it's juliana's brother.

"what are you doing here in this time" he asked me

"it's not from your business Leave me now" i said then continued running

he stopped me " comeon you look tired i will arrive you to your home , let's go it's not that way " he said .

I was shy from him so I went with him without telling him what happened .

We arrived he left me outside the door i thanked him and ran inside.

I saw my mother and father sitting on the sofa .

i didn't talk with them and quickly ran to my room.

"Tara , what are you doing? why are you early? where is elisa ?

come here girl talk with me don't ignore me I'm your mother come speak with me." mum said to me

i didn't talk i went to my room and locked the door behind me. my mum followed me but she couldn't enter.

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