Crazed //Paul Lahote\\

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"Please don't do this again Genie, I know everything must be so hard for you but this isn't the way to fix it" dad wiped the blood from my wrists with a warm piece of cloth and kisses the fresh cuts, "I love you so much my daughter and it hurts me to know that you're doing this to yourself. He wraps a bandage around my wrist and holds me tight in his arms, "I love you too Dad" I didn't want to cry, I felt the lump in my throat rising and I let out a struggled sob.


Dad turned the key and opened the door, I smiled, it was small but cosy; I wasn't really in to large spaces, we didn't need the room ever since mum died and Conan left for college. "I like it Daddy", Dad smiles, he was glad I approved because it was sort of a last minute decision for a new start and he was worried how I would take it. Our furniture had already been delivered and placed in to random rooms, I walked in the the room at the end of the hall and found my bed and a few of dads things. I laid down on the mattress and looked at the ceiling; I didn't mind that we moved, we always lived in a spacey empty home and it was cold and lonely. I didn't have any friends, just acquaintances, so I didn't really have anyone important to leave.

I woke up, I had obviously fallen asleep while thinking, although there was a thin quilt that have been placed over me, probably dad's doing.
I searched one of the boxes and found some clothes; I walked down the stairs and picked up my small black rucksack over my shoulder, "ready for my first day of school daddy" I kissed the middle of his forehead. He frowned and took a sip of his coffee, "Genie, sit down and eat some cereal, or at least eat a muesli bar. I sighed and took a muesli bar from the box on the bench, unwrapping and then eating it. Dad put his mug in the sink and drove me to the school; honestly it looked boring, more like a jail or rehab center instead of a school. I kissed the top of dad's head and closed the door, "I love you Daddy, have a good first day at work"

I walked in to the building to see students and staff rushing around everywhere or standing in little groups chatting among themselves. Dad had already signed me in at the office and the school had given me my schedule, map and other necessary items I needed. I looked at my school map and navigated my way to English, when the bell rung students scattered to their classes. I stumbled around, wedged between bodies for a while when finally they all disappeared.

I finally found my way to English class and opened the door; "Hi you must be Evergene Parker, just take a seat over there please" the old man pointed to a seat in the third row. I placed my bag down under my desk and sat down, elbows on the desk, resting my chin on my palm. "Hey my name is Seth Clearwater!" the kid next to me introduced himself enthusiastically in a whisper; "I'm Evergene Parker, but everyone calls me Genie cos it's easier" I reply and Seth smiles.

When lunch time came Seth took my wrist and pulled me alone to the cafeteria; He sat me down at a table crowded with tanned guys and girls, all with dark hair. "Guys this is Evergene Parker but everyone calls her Genie" Seth sat beside me, "Genie this is Jacob, Embry and his girlfriend Georgia, Quil, Jared and his Girlfriend Kim, Collin, Brady, my sister Leah, and then Paul and his girlfriend Tammy. I give them all a small smile and shift around on the seat uncomfortably, I never really was a people person, that's why I never really had any friends. "So where are you from?" Georgia asked me, "I'm from Anaheim" I smile, "Wow that's a while away" she rests her chin on her palm, I nod my head. I felt someone staring at me from across the table, I shifted a little more on my seat and took a quick glimpse at Paul who had Tammy giggling away on his lap. I have to admit, he was hot, in fact all of them were good looking people, he quickly took his eyes off me and turns to talk to Quil. I look back down at my lap and fiddle with the material of my arm warmers, "So whats with the weird scarf things on the arms?" Collin looked down at my wrists. I give Collin an awkward smile, "I get cold arms I guess, it's my style" I lie through my teeth, he nods but eyes me suspiciously.

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I swing my legs back and forth with my hands under my thighs, I was sitting on the bench outside of school waiting for dad, he must have been stuck at work or something. "Hi I'm Paul" I gasp, well that got my heart racing, "I know, you scared the shit out of me" I look up at him, he gives me a half smile and sits down beside me, "Sorry". "What are you waiting around here for, school ended a while ago..?" he asked, "I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up" I swing my legs a little more, "I'll give you a lift home if you want". I don't think I really wanted to get in to a car with a stranger, I mean Paul was a nice guy and all but I only just met him today, not even properly until now. "Uh no thanks Paul, he wont be too much longer" I give Paul a smile and right on time dad pulled up right in front of us. I give Paul another smile, "See you Paul" I give him a salute and get in to the car.

Crazed » paul lahote Where stories live. Discover now