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The next day I woke up back in my room, I felt so drained, I knew I had school soon and I was instantly put off. Images of yesterday flashed back through my mind causing me to wince; I wonder how I ended up back in my room? I climbed out of bed and walked down stairs to find dad, he was sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper.

"Hey Genie, how did you sleep" dad asks, biting his toast. "Good.." I stand there for a while, "How did I get home?" I ask. "I realised you weren't home so I called by Seth's mums and she told me you went cliff diving, and then later I got a call from her saying that you'd gone missing but Sam had found you and brought you home to me". Dad told me, "I was very worried about you, we can talk about it after school okay" he smiles and I nod, walking back upstairs.

I really didn't want to go to school; I didn't want to see Tammy and her stupid gang, not even Seth or Jacob. I slipped on some clothes and my arm warmers afterward, my daily routine.

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"Hey Genie, I'm so sorry about Tammy the other day, I should have stopped her, I should have said something" Georgia ran up behind me while I was on my way to English. "It's nothing, I really don't care" I flipped her of and continued to walk, "no please Genie, I really hated what she did, I feel really bad," she continued. What she said made me mad, I didn't want her pity, that's all I ever got and I hated that. I let out a growl and whip around to face her, my body felt like it was on fire. "I don't want your stupid fucking pity, I am not weak and it makes me feel so childish, now just back off and leave me the fuck alone" I let out an angry snarl.

Georgia gasps and steps back, "I'm sorry Genie.." she look at me with scared eyes. I let out another low growls and stormed off to English.

When I got there the teacher scowled at me, "You're late Evergene" she tuts, causing me to let out a growl. "it's not my fucking fault you old hag", after I said that the whole class gasps and all eyes were on me. How dare they stare at me, my whole body burned up in flames, "get your fucking eyes off me all of you or I'll rip them out" I growl.

"Genie... calm down" Seth stood up at his desk and started to come towards me. I let out a snarl and backed away from him, slamming the door open and running home.

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When I got home my body was burning up so much it began to hurt. I opened the door. "Dad... it burns... Please make it stop," I pleaded, my body aching causing me to start sweating. Dad rushed in to the room, running over to me and picking me up, "Dammit, I need to call Sam" he laid me down on the couch. He hurried out of the room and back in again with an ice pack and the phone pressed to his ear.

I took the ice pack and pressed it against my forehead, my eyes starting to droop and my body hurting even more. I let out a groan of pain and curled myself in to a ball, sweating badly. Whoever dad was trying to call finally picked up, "Sam! Sam come now... she's phasing".


Dun dun duuuun, what's happening to Evergene? I wonder if Seth knows, don't you wish you could say that to a teacher? Haha

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had another loss of inspiration. I tried hard on this chapter, it's not long I know, just a filler. Hope you enjored -Hannah

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