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Sam had shown me to a spare room, it looked a bit plain, but I didn't care.

Dean had given me my duffle bag, which still had my stuff in it.

I tossed it onto the bed, "Thank you Sam," I gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"It's fine, we have a ton of spare rooms. If you want to clean it up a bit, there's a closet a couple doors down the hall you can use,".

I nodded my head, repeating myself, "Thank you Sam,".

He gave an awkward smile before he left the room.

I slid my bag under my bed, poking my head out to look down the hall to see if Sam was still there. He'd already rounded the corner.

I went over to the closet and opened the door, everything I needed was there.

I nodded my head, pleased, before closing the door.

I started to adventure around the new space, there were a ton of locked doors. I assumed they were locked with good reason, so I left them alone.

I eventually found my way back to the library.

The Asian kid, who's name I still hadn't learned, was sitting at a table with papers surrounding him.

He was locked at some rock covered in what looked chicken scratch.

I didn't see Sam, Dean, Cas, or Charlie, so I sat down in front of him.

I watched him for about an hour and a half before he looked up.

He seemed to have only just noticed I was there, "How long have you been staring at me?" He asked.

I shrugged, "What are you doing?"

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