I had stayed at the bunker for two weeks before the trio left. Sam, Dean, and Castiel went on a hunt.
I had the basics of reading English and I was teaching myself more.
I was sitting crosslegged beside Kevin, reading a journal about monsters when Charlie walked in.
"Hey guys," I didn't pay attention to what she'd said though.
She cleared her throat, but we were both to indulged in reading or translating.
She left the room and came back with a hard covered book, dropping it on the table.
Kevin and I both jumped, Charlie waved, "I'm going on a hunt in New Orleans, I'll be back in like a week,".
I looked up at her from my place on the floor, "What is going on in New Orleans?" I had to somewhat slowly pronounce 'Orleans'.
"Someone was killed and there was a fist sized hole in their chest, so I'm gonna go investigate,".
Kevin blinked, "Did you tell Sam and Dean?"
She nodded, "Call me when you get there," I told her.
Charlie smiled at me, "I will Pie," (sounds like the first syllable of his name). She left the room, heading towards her room.
Kevin looked down at me, "Why are you on the floor?" he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, he pulled out a chair with his foot. "Sit in a chair P,"
I did as he said. But I sat crosslegged in the chair with my book on the table.
I took out the phone Dean had gotten me and texted him, 'Charlie told you she was going on hunt??' I typed.
Kevin glanced at my phone, "You don't believe her?"
I glanced over at him, "Better safe than sorry no?"
My phone dinged, Dean had texted back. 'Yes we looked into it looks like a lone werewolf' another message followed it. 'We're gonna go meet up with her when we finish here'.
I liked the answer, so I put my phone down and continued to read.

Useful (Avengers/Supernatural Crossover Fanfiction)
FanfictionThis universe is a bit different from the one we all know and love. In this particular universe, Pietro does get shot in Sokovia, but he doesn't die. He does however, lose his ability to run or use his speed in any useful way. He can't be an Avenger...