I made Kevin go to sleep around eleven.
I grabbed a bunch of books on monsters, and put them on the table to read.
I had cleaned the bunker a few nights before, so I decided to read.
So far, I'd read about a few of the more common monsters; werewolves, vampires, wendigo, and a few kinds of spirits.
I was reading a book about demons, taking notes in a notebook around five in the morning when I fell asleep at the table.
I shot upright in my chair startling Kevin. "You okay P?"I rubbed a hand over my face, nodding. "I am fine Kev," I looked at my notebook, a few pages were full of notes. Each page contained a different monster.
I stretched my arms up to try to get rid of the cramps from sleeping in an awkward position. "Did you eat?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I sat down like, five minutes ago,".
I got up and went to the kitchen. Almost no one was allowed in there when Dean was here. I started to make Kevin some breakfast.
I walked out of the kitchen with two plates of grilled cheese sandwiches and Doritos.
I put Kevin's plate on his notebook. "Eat first, translate later," I told him.
I sat down at the table behind him to flip through my notebook.
I heard him put down his pencil, I grinned to myself as I ate.
After a while, I heard Kevin, "You know... Charlie told me that Steve is shaped like a Dorito,".
I froze for a moment, holding up a Dorito and remembering Steve's shape.
I burst out laughing, actually falling on the floor.
Kevin laughed with me.
That was the first time in a long time that I'd laughed like that.

Useful (Avengers/Supernatural Crossover Fanfiction)
FanfictionThis universe is a bit different from the one we all know and love. In this particular universe, Pietro does get shot in Sokovia, but he doesn't die. He does however, lose his ability to run or use his speed in any useful way. He can't be an Avenger...