in which the innocent human of beacon hills is mated to the ruthless alpha pack
" you are ours, little mate "
" you belong to us and only us "
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HUMMING BACK TO THE WORLD, headphones on, sits a girl with warm chocolate brown hair wrapped in a high ponytail. Her hum has a hint of happiness; there's something carefree about the notes as they fall into the warm air about her. She leans on the soft palm of her hand, her fingers wrapped around a blank ink pen as she brushes her hand all over the table, the black ink following after the pen like a lost puppy, hot on its trail as it marked its way on the paper. The blank ink runs all over the paper as the brunette mindlessly doodles all over the page, the teacher's voice tuned out along with the rest of the world.
Next to her is a boy with slightly curly dark blonde hair and a pair of sizeable deep-set ocean blue eyes. He stares out the window, looking for anything interesting to stare at but also looking for anything dangerous. The boy wasn't bothered for school and didn't care if he failed it or not; the only reason he even came was the girl that sat next to him and his beloved girlfriend. As he looked out of the window, he focused his hearing to the little birds that sang in the trees, all sitting together while staring at each other with love shining in their small eyes. Though he didn't care about school, the boy did take down a few occasional notes while glancing at his best friend a few times, a small smile spreading across his lips as he did.
Sitting a behind the two best friends are two girls, one with luscious strawberry blonde hair and the other with brown almost black straight hair. The former doodles in the back of her book, sketching a detailed tree that looked almost real. The strawberry blonde girl didn't need to listen to the teacher because she understands everything the teacher is saying since her smartness was beyond the roof. Meanwhile, the girl sitting next to her listened intensely, taking down essential notes as she vowed to study hard and not let her personal problems affect her school life as well as her grades since she wanted to prove to her father that staying at Beacon Hills was better than waiting at France.
Sitting on the next desk to the two, is another pair of best friends, both with cheeky smiles on their faces as they write down notes while joking around, their bodies filled with joy as it ran through their veins. The two were known for causing trouble and being cheeky at any given time. However, they always got their work done. The first one, a boy that used to have a shaved head, was still doing his work and tried his best while the other used to fail school but this year he promised to try his hardest and changed from his last of year of school, now focusing and working and listening in school.
The six were known to be the 'it' group. All six of them were different in many ways but each had a connection because of what they are. Supernatural.
There's a banshee, a huntress, two werewolves, two humans.
But one of them didn't know what they were. One didn't know about the horrors of the world nor did she know what part she took in.
She was the innocent, the oblivious. She kept the rest stable and they were glad because they didn't what would happen to them if they didn't have someone like her in their lives.
But together they were the best of friends, together they made a pack filled with bonds connecting each other, romantically or not. And nothing would break their pack, not even the toughest of the toughest.
"You know, I really hate science," said Stiles as the group of six walked down the corridor, every other teenager moving to the side as the aura the group gave was one of confidence.
"I agree." Isaac nodded his head while Scott just grinned because he was looking forward to the lesson since he had revised and looked over science notes over the summer holiday.
"Well, if you even bothered listening, you would get a good grade," snapped Lydia, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend and his laziness. Stiles flashed her a cheeky grin and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"True but we both know you enjoy helping me revise." The strawberry blonde scoffed before playfully shoving Stiles away, feigning anger, however, the small smile that tugged at her lips gave it away. Mia and Allison just shook their heads at their friends.
The halls were crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper aeroplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls.
It was a high school full of cliques or it was because now the halls were filled with students standing by their lockers with smiles on their faces as they chatted with their friends. Some were making out, obviously, while some just stood there talking. However, there were at least a few people that stood alone, minding their own business while a few others stood alone with sadness painted on their faces but it brightened up once they saw their friends waving at them.
The school was different now, Mia felt it in her bones. She could feel that something was coming, something good...bad, she didn't know. But there was something coming and whatever it was, she knew she was going to be fine as long as she had her best friends by her side.