1 | little like the old scars

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' today i saw its pretty petals wilt '

THE MORNING SUN ROSE HIGH IN THE SKY, warm eyes watching the people below

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THE MORNING SUN ROSE HIGH IN THE SKY, warm eyes watching the people below. It's motherly instinct kicked in, both light and heat rays making its way down to earth to welcome its children with kind smiles everywhere.

A brown haired girl sat on a branch of a high tree, one that extended its hand below her so it would catch her if she fell. The brunette hummed a little song, the colourful birds in the tree copying her, eyes closed as they rocked back and forth, copying her tune.

The wind rushed past her, pausing to give her a cooling touch as it ruffled her hair before running off again. Mia smiled softly and continued to write in her diary, her leg swinging off the branch as she leant against the tree, who offered her both physical and mental support.

"Mia!" A familiar voice rang in her ears, and her head snapped to the area of which she heard the sound coming from. Her eyes locked with a pair of wood brown eyes. Mia grinned before standing up, balancing herself on the branch before walking to the edge. The sun, wind and birds paused to see what would happen to the girl while the tree moved its hands out the way, knowing what the human was about to do.

Jumping off of it, Mia grinned happily, giggles floating out of her mouth as it evaporated into the air, sending a soft relief to everyone. Just before the girl hit the ground, her knight in shining armour came to her rescue, catching her with a pair of strong, muscular arms.

"Ennis," she smiled, eyes bright as she giggled again. "Hi." The alpha werewolf's eyes pierced down at her, eyes filled with fury as fire danced in his eyes.

"What were you thinking?!" he exclaimed, glaring down at his beautiful and innocent mate. Mia gulped softly, letting out a quiet whimper as she didn't like the feeling of him being angry at her. Ennis's dark coloured eyes softened a little, but the fury was still flaring. The alpha could never be mad at his mate but could at the actions of his mate.

"Ennis." The soothing voice of Deucalion echoed throughout the human girl's garden. The blind man walked in with his arm on Aiden's arm. "Calm down." Ennis bit the side of his lip before taking a deep breath, calming the fire burning within him.

A small, soft whimper broke the alpha out of his trance. His head snapped down to look at his mate that clutched his shirt in her hands, eyes sight and she shook slightly, fear rolling off of her in waves. Ennis's eyes widened, arms pulling back, almost dropping his shared mate if it wasn't for Ethan, who quickly caught Mia's falling from.

"Oh my god. Mia, I'm so sorry." Ennis practically whimpered, eyes soft as a broken look took over his features at the thought of almost hurting his mate because he couldn't control his anger.

"It's okay, Ennis," she said as she stood up, wincing when a strike of pain ran through her leg. Catching the slight wince, Ethan furrowed his eyebrows before he got on his knees in front of his mate. "E-Ethan!" she exclaimed as he grabbed the hem of her skirt, lifting it up for everyone to see. Just as she was about to pull it back down, Aiden grabbed her hands while Kali and Deucalion walked up to her along with Ennis.

"What is this?" Ethan asked, concern filling his eyes as he looked at the scars that littered his mate's thighs.

"It's nothing," Mia said, struggling against Aiden's arms, trying to get free.

"Did I do this?" Ennis asked, brokenly, as his eyes glazed over, glancing at his beautiful mate. Mia smiled sadly, shaking her head. "Then who did this?" And just again, his rage came to life, fire igniting in his bones.

"Nobody," she sighed as Ennis looked at her with confusion dancing in his eyes. Mia felt embarrassed by the whole ordeal, and soon, her mask began to chip off, a large crack going through the middle as tears began to pool in her eyes. "I...uh...did this."

"Oh, little one." Deucalion sighed softly and let go of Kali's arm so he could go for his mate. Walking in front of her, he brushed a strand of hair out of her face before placing a kiss on her forehead, pulling her into his chest, securing her.

Mia felt herself break into tears, ones that ran down her cheek violently while her voice silenced itself which caused her body to shake. She clutched at his shirt and pressed herself against him, a strange feeling of protection wrapping around her like a blanket.

"Mia." The brunette looked up, her eyes watering as the tears still ran. "Can we ask why you did this?" Ethan and Aiden stood by each other; both concerned for their mate along with Ennis and Kali, that stood by each other, both trying to control their anger.

"It's because..." she paused, wiping her tears away as she tried to calm down.

"It's okay, little love," spoke Kali as she smiled softly at her mate. "Take your time." Mia nodded, sending her a thankful smile before she took a deep breath and spoke.

"It's because of my father," she began to explain to the others about her father and how he was murdered. The brunette missed him. A lot. To the point where she became numb from falling into depression. Scared, she began to self-harm so she could feel something because, for a while, she forgot how to feel anything. Not happiness or sadness. The only thing she could do was make herself feel pain so her other emotions could come back to her.

"Oh, Mia." Ethan looked with saddened eyes, watching a tear escape his mate's eyes. The brunette looked up, trying to put a smile on her face but the alpha pack now saw through the facade she put on, the fake happiness she wore. Deucalion wiped the tear away with his thumb before pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I'm honestly okay," she said, cuddling into his chest, his warmth enveloping her. "I got over it."

"After how long?" Aiden asked as he sat by his twin brother, the both sitting by their mate on the grass.

"After a few years," she mumbled, shocking the others.

"Really?" Mia nodded, looking down.

"It took me about two to three years until I could hear dad's name and not burst into tears." The alpha pack smiled at their mate softly, who soon giggled sadly. "But it's fine."

"It's not fine, little one." Kali interrupted, reaching for their mate, only pausing to glance at Deucalion for permission, to which he nodded. The alpha female brought the innocent human into her arms, head nuzzled into her neck, inhaling her scent. Mia let out a sigh of content, leaning against the female as she closed her, her body and mind relaxing.

"I know. But I'll be fine. Well, as it long as it doesn't happen again," she said in Kali's arm, clutching onto her like a baby to its mother. She felt the whole world disappear as she snuggled into Kali's arms.

The cute moment, however, was cut short by the sound of a phone ringing. Reaching into her pocket, Mia pressed the green button on her phone before placing it by her ear, Kali moving back to give her some space.

"Isaac? What's wrong?" she asked, furrowing her brows as why her best friend would call at this time of day.

"Mia." Her best friend paused, voice hesitant as it broke slightly.

"Isaac?! What is it?" The brunette began to worry slightly. Her eyes widened as the words fell out of his mouth, travelling in the air until it reached her ears from the other end of the phone. Mia's whole body fell into a shock, her phone slipping out of her hand as she fell to her knees, a scream bursting through her chest as her heart broke for the second time in seventeen years.

"It's your mother. She's in hospital.

It's bad; really bad."

little mate • alpha packWhere stories live. Discover now