in which the innocent human of beacon hills is mated to the ruthless alpha pack
" you are ours, little mate "
" you belong to us and only us "
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"AFTER YOU, BABY GIRL." Mia giggled as she got out of the car and flew into the embrace of her boyfriends, the alpha twins. They hugged her close before pulling her inside of their shared apartment with the rest of the pack. The group walked inside, placing their things in their respective areas.
"Wait." Mia stood in her place, her eyes wide. "I forgot my clothes." The pack chuckled and Kali wrapped an arm around her waist, ushering her into a room.
"You can borrow some of mine." The twins pouted, desperately wanting their mate to wear their clothes. Mia smiled, thanking her before entering her room, eyes scanning the area. The room smelled heavenly, a mix of forest, vanilla and rain, a scent the reminded her of not just the alpha female but of the hot-tempered alpha male.
"Here you go, little one." Mia blushed before grabbing the clothes from her. The brunette rose a brow when she saw a pair of boxers.
"Why do you have men's clothing?" It was Kali's turn to blush, her hand raised to the back of her neck, rubbing it. Mia giggled when she saw the red tint of embarrassment on her cheeks.
"Those would be mine." The young brunette turned her head towards the door where Ennis leant among with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Thank you," she beamed, walking towards the bathroom door, or at least what she thought was the bathroom.
"Next one, little one." Mia blushed softly, muttering under her breath before entering the bathroom and closing the door. Not locking it. The couple realised this and smiled. She trusted them.
Mia stripped her clothes off, dropping them to the floor. She slipped on the large grey hoodie and a pair of navy blue boxers that she had taken from Ennis.
Once she was done, she gathered her old clothes, dumping them into the clothes basket before walking outside where Kali and Ennis stared at her with lust filled eyes. Kali chuckled when the boxers fell down a little bit once her mate took a step forward.
A blush coated Mia's cheeks as she realised what happen before pulling them higher. Kali advanced towards her, squatting down and grabbing the extra piece, scrunching it up before wrapping a black hair tie around it so it would hold.
"Thank you." The brunette mumbled, blushing softly as she chewed on the inside of her cheek, heart beating fast. Ennis smiled at the interaction between both his mates. Ennis and Kali were the only ones in the pack that were mated to each other and Mia - they couldn't be happier.
"Come on, I believe Ethan and Aiden want to watch a movie." Ennis stood by the door, allowing his two mates to walk out first. Surprise shocked his body when he felt soft fingers lacing with his, an unfamiliar yet nice feeling.
He glanced down to the side to see Kali with the same expression. Both of them looked down at the innocent human, who looked at the two with big smiles, hope in her eyes. That shine was dimming quickly when Mia saw their tense reaction, she was about to let go when she felt a squeeze on both hands and grins breaking out on their faces as warmth filled their bodies and heart.
The three walked into the living room to see Deucalion sitting on his chair with his sunglasses still on, his eyes watching their shared mate walk in with the other two alphas in the pack. A smile tugged at his lips as he realised that their bond was forming quicker than they thought.
"Mia!" Adien called, grabbing his mate and pulling her over to the soft carpet, wrapping his arms around her as she laid in between his legs, her back against his chest. Ethan laid across the floor with his head on her lap, Mia's fingers playing with his brown locks.
Kali and Ennis smiled softly before sitting down on the couch, snuggling up together. The movie began to play on the tv screen but all of the alpha's attention was on the beautiful brunette that stared at the screen with childish excitement. A fond smile spread across their faces and they realised that she was theirs and that she belonged to them. All six of them were going to grow old together and they couldn't wait.
A few hours passed by quickly, four out of the five alphas fell asleep, their even breathing could be heard around the room.
"Deucalion?" Hearing the soft voice of his mate, the said alpha raised his head, looking towards the direction he heard the voice come from.
"Yes, little one?"
"Are you not tired?" Mia asked from her place on the floor. The twins were sleeping in their own sleeping bags that they brought out halfway through their third movie. They had offered one to Mia but she smiled warmly and shook her head, not really comfortable in them.
"I am," he spoke, his voice calming the brunette.
"Then why don't you sleep?" she asked innocently, her knees pulled into her chest as she stared at the tv screen that was playing Finding Dory. They already watched Finding Nemo before hand. Mia and the alpha's decided they would have a Disney marathon, staying up the whole night to watch it but that plan failed as the others fell asleep after the third movie.
"This chair isn't very comfortable." Deucalion replied. The alpha heard his mate shuffle a bit, the sound of feet hitting the floor flew into his ear. The feeling of warmth was felt against his skin even before she placed her hand against his arm.
"Come, I'll take you to your room." A smile tugged at Deucalion's lips as he nodded. His mate was amazing. He slowly got up, using Mia as his support to direct him to his room. For an odd reason, Mia felt like she had been in the apartment many times as her feet directed her towards Deucalion's room. "Here we go," she muttered as she opened the door for him, allowing him to go in before she entered.
"Thank you." Mia grinned before helping him to his bed. The alpha grabbed the familiar feeling of his blanket, getting under it and laying on his back. The brunette grabbed his sunglasses, placing them on his bedside table before pushing her hands against his side. Deucalion raised a brow as he turned his head to face in her direction.
"Scooch over." Mia said, smiling playfully. The blind alpha chuckled softly before moving over to make space for Mia, who crawled in before curling into his embrace. For an odd reason, Mia wasn't afraid to cuddle with him. She felt as if this was normal and for some reason, she didn't mind. She knew that this was wrong but right now, in Deucalion's embrace, she didn't give a single fuck.