2 | little like the raw cries

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' as it's green stem soon so began to tilt '

"ISAAC!" yelled a voice, one that drowned in sadness

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"ISAAC!" yelled a voice, one that drowned in sadness. The people at the hospital turned to look at the broken looking girl that exited the lift. Hearing his name, the gold, almost brown, haired male turned to look at his best friend who had tears running down her face, cascading like a waterfall as her mascara flowed with them, following the trail.

"Mia. I'm so sorry," she ran into his arms, burying her head into his neck tears broke from the barrier of her eye. Mia cried as if her brain was being shredded from the inside. Emotional pain flowed out of her every pore.

From her mouth came a cry so raw that even the eyes of the strangers around them were suddenly wet with tears. She clutched at her best friend's shirt so that her violent shaking would not cause her to fall and from her eyes came a thicker flow of tears than she ever had cried in her life; worse than when her father passed.

The whole world had vanished for her; now there was only pain, one that was enough to break her, pain enough to change her beyond recognition. Isaac clutched her to his chest, hand tangled in her hair. Mia felt alone, scared and devastated. Her heart felt like it had been butchered; her love was taken away bit by bit.

The sadness flowed through her veins and deadened her mind. It was poison to her spirit, dulling her, killing off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained. It was as if a black mist had settled upon her and refused to shift, flowing like a river, cold and unending. It washed all the goodness out of her and left her a mere shell of what she had once been, and no matter how bright the day was she would feel no sun and hear no birdsong. For the world was lost to her, and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

"Let's go home." Isaac carried her home, the girl wrapped in his arms as he drove her back to her house, tears off his own silently streaming down his face as Mia's mum was basically his mum.

Rose Mitchell was the most caring women anyone had ever met. She cherished her daughter well and cared for Isaac like he was her very own son, never treating him differently. The beta werewolf knew he could come to her for anything and Rose was the first the person he told about his crush on Allison and the first person he told when he started dating her.

No matter what, Rose always supported him and was always there for him. She was his mother, practically raising him.

"We're here," Isaac said softly, and Mia shook her head, not wanting to go inside. The curly haired beta sighed and carried her to the house only for the girl to break down as she walked inside, memories violently tugging at her mind.

The brunette cried as if the ferocity of it might bring her mum back; as if by the sheer force of her grief the news would be undone. She was her mom, her only parent left, and she could not be gone. Even from the top of the street curtains were twitching as neighbours craned to locate the source of the screaming sobs.

Isaac tried to hold her back, to calm her, even as his own tears fell thick and fast but in her hysteria, she was too strong, too wild. After whirling about, unable to look through her puffy eyes at the photographs on the wall, she tumbled out of the door onto the rain-kissed street. They watched her go, the alpha pack, watching as she dissolved in the kind of despair that can take one's mind prisoner and never give it back.

Once in the open, she sank down to her knees in the middle of the street, bathed in the headlamps of the cars now static before her. Ordinarily, folks around here honk their horns in three seconds flat, but her wailing carried in that damp air, freezing them in place, helpless, just like the others.

Isaac ran outside, grabbing onto her and carrying back to her room, tears following down his shirt as Mia cried in his neck. Placing her on the bed, the two cuddled into each other, Mia violently sobbing while Isaac held her close, rubbing her back as his own tears streamed down his face.

She would describe her sadness like death by a thousand paper cuts, for every time she remembered her loss, it was another cut to her already damaged mind. None were enough to kill her, but over time their accumulation bled her of the humanity she had once had. She once was innocent and generous nature; now she was just gaunt and melancholy.

Love and sorrow, the twins... the love come first sweet and strong, then the sorrow that people shall never again be together in this life. People can only pray that they will be reunited in the next, that God would see fit to give us all more time. But for now the loss is more than anyone's heart can take and one could feel the dark clouds looming in from above to obscure the sun. If love is a divine gift, then sorrow is also, for in its enormity is the proof of what used to be.

And soon days began to pass, soon turning into weeks and soon turning into months. Mia started to put a smile on her face, one that everyone knew was fake.

She grieved on the inside but believed that she hid her sorrow from everyone. Mia was one of those people that anyone could read easily. One could see it in her eyes, her movements, her drooping posture. However, no one dared mention it to her.

Mia felt that she hid her emotions from the world, that her position as a singer demanded a look of complete confidence and control. This is strange because she sent vibes of inward weeping. Even the little children, playing in the street could observe her "tears inside" demeanour. You could read her like a book, opened and turned to the last page.

For as we love we accept the pain to come, that in our world we are mortals born to live, age and die. But when our time came to lose each other, we wanted to be lost with each other's, to take that step into the unknown at their side. We resented those who reached out to us, to prevent us from following their departure. So now, now in this grieving that never ends, Mia dedicated the rest of her life to her mum's memory and spent each night alone, curled in a blanket, tears leaking out of her eyes.

And every night, they watched her from afar, red eyes shining in the darkness, away from curious eyes. They watched with sorrow, always keeping an eye out for their beautiful mate. No danger would get to her because they made a vow.

Nothing will hurt their mate anymore.

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