Chapter 4

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"ODIN" (y/n) screamed as she saw the old man on the cliff in the distance. She ran to him "what are you doing here little one" he asked as he sat and a rock

"I came with them. Loki and Thor they're here to see you" Odin didn't turn around.

"Father," Thor said as he and Loki took a seat on either side of him. (y/n) sat on the ground between Odin and Loki's legs.

"look at this place it's beautiful." He points to the horizon" My sons I've been waiting for you. Your mother, she calls. Do you hear it?''.

"Loki lifts your magic," Thor says angrily still believing his father was under a spell. Loki shook his head there was no magic he knew that (y/n) did as well.

Odin laughed" took me quite a while to break free from your spell. This little Angel was keeping me company. Frigga would have been proud. I love you my sons" Loki looked up a bit surprised and happy "you too little one" (y/n) smiled as Odin pat her head.

"I've made a lot of grave mistakes. Including your sister. You have an older sister My true firstborn."

"Hela" (y/n) whispered but everyone heard as she shrugged back into Loki's leg.

"she was strong dark Violent. Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. I Locked her away. I hold her there with my power but once I die she be let go. She gets her power from Asgard so don't let her back." Odin took a deep breath "I know I wasn't the best father. But ... Thor, you've grown and matured over the years I'm proud of you. Loki you as well have grown stronger better over the years... I'm sorry for everything wrong I've done to you. I do I love you both, you three."

Loki tried to swallow as he knew it was coming but he wasn't prepared he couldn't handle it yet he knew it was coming. He nor Thor were prepared for what they knew what was coming. (y/n) was clueless think they would be returning to New York to say hi to the remaining Avengers and maybe have a dinner. She was so hopeful.

"when the sun comes up and goes down dolphins come do backflips. Bucky showed me Did you see?" (y/n) asked excitedly

"I did my darling. Thor, Loki protect this girl as if she is your own. She is a very important child a very special child." Loki places a hand on the child and pulls her close to him.

"Look at that. Remember this place..." Odin reached forward into the horizon

" home"

"old man... What's wrong? Odin? Odin? what?! No? NOOOO! COME BACK, COME BACK NOOO!"

(y/n) began to scream and cry as she tried to reach and grasp the glowing dust that floated away but Loki held her back and let her cry in his chest.

(y/n) had spent little over a month with Odin but he was so nice and they shared stories. There was even tike when she fell asleep or had a nap with him and someone would have to come pick her up. Her and Odin had grown close in a short amount of time. Odin was the grandfather he never had.

Loki looked to Thor as The child cried in his arms. Thor was looking off into the distance.

Loki looked at him to see a green mist forming. Thor turns around and walks forward Loki followed. (y/n) was still crying but followed and stood behind Loki. Something fell out of her back pocket, her phone, looking at it she found it was recording.

A big boom was heard and (y/n) looked up to find that Loki and Thor changed into their godly attire. In front, a woman came out the mist her clothes were torn she looked as if was struggling.


"I beg your pardon"

"you must be Hela. I'm Thor son of Odin" AS Thor spoke with Hela Loki was still trying to wrap his head around the whole kneeling thing.

"really, you don't look like him" Hela spoke

"perhaps we can come to an arrangement, " Loki said

"you sound like him.oh and look at you Frigga is still popping out kids I see" Hela waved her hand and conjured a sword " Kneel before your queen".

(y/n) reached up and took Loki's hand. Her tears had stopped her face was now full of fear.

" I don't think so " Thor threw his hammer at her and ... she caught it " this is not possible," Thor said.

"Darling you have no idea what's possible" The Hammer began to crumble under her fingers and then a burst of lighting. (y/n) screamed and Loki shields her as a force pushed them back. Mjolnir, the Hammer of thunder, the tool of lighting, Thor's most prized possession laid in pieces on the floor.

Oh shit.

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Question of the chapter:

Should I put more Dr. Strange in the next upcoming chapters?

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