Chapter 22

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(y/n) clung to Loki as he ran down the hall carrying her he pushed and shouted at anyone in his way. Everyone could see the panic and fear clear on their Prince's face. Their Prince who barely showed any emotion besides mischief was running in fear.

Loki rushed into his room gently putting (y/n) on his bed and began to pace the floors. (y/n) sat on the bed eye wide in fear gripping the bed sheets until her knuckles were white her eyes pooled with tears.

"Loki" she whispered throat tight and voice raw from fear he didn't hear her " Loki" she tried again" Loki". He stopped now noticing the trembling child who knew nothing but his fear at the moment. He fell to his knees by the edge of the bed and pulled (y/n) into his lap.

"I'm sorry darling. I'm so sorry" Loki whispered as he held her tight kissing her forehead stroking her hair. He couldn't lose her. She made him want to be a better person, do good, right all his wrongs. She had shown him love and care. She was his new reason to live for good. His salvation. Her laugh, her smile, her kindness, her pure beating heart. In a small amount of time Loki had built a world around this child and he wouldn't let anything happen to her even if it meant something happening to him.

Loki pulled away putting (y/n) back on the edge of the bed and kneeling in front of her " I love you" he said " and I won't let anything happen to you...ever" He stood up pulling a blue glowing cube from his robe. The Tesseract. " I need you to stay calm don't panic"

"w-what's happening" tears now spilled down her cheeks Loki wiped them away.

"Don't cry please don't cry I'm going to save yo" Loki smiled as a small cloud formed above their heads it began to snow. "Think of me in the snow, love" she nodded with a frown.

Loki stood up straight and took the cube in both hands. A green mist began to surround the cube as Loki began to chant in his Asgardian tongue a blue glow crawled up his veins as the green mist soaked into the cube and its glow got brighter.

Outside the room (y/n) could hear the panicked screams of Asgardians.

"LOKI" she cried.

The blue crawled up his veins into his face the cube was now a blueish greenish color. Loki looked up at (y/n) as a glowing blue tear fell down his cheek. He said

" I love you and I'm so sorry."

In an instant (y/n) was hit with a force and surrounded by a blueish green mist. The last thing she remembered hear was screams and the soft words of "I'm sorry".


Tony laid on his lab table he stopped building his Iron man suits in exchange for looking for (y/n) or trying to contact Thor. He even went as far as shouting at the sky every hour but ever since the text messages there was nothing. Happy spent hours apologizing but Tony didn't blame him or anyone else. (y/n) was bound to find a new adventure or someone else to fix she was just that kind of helpful kid he just wished it was on earth.

"Tony I think you've done enough for today. Come on let's get you to bed. Some sleep will do you some good." Pepper said rubbing his shoulders

"no I've got to find her"

"Alright I tried. come get him". Happy and Rhodey were about to drag Tony out of the lab when they all hear a small echoed cry everyone stopped and looked to see a small child in the center of the room with a flower crown on her head.

"(y/n)?" Tony said as he sank to the floor. It was indeed (y/n). (y/n), Hey kiddo". She didn't seem to be completely there she was fading in and out glowing even. Tony reached forward about to touch her. Then she burst into a cloud of glowing blue dust. Leaving nothing behind.

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