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This chapter has some triggering stuff
Stan's POV:
God damn Wendy hurting my boyfriend. She's gonna fucking get it. She left a mark and it's making him more insecure. I thought. I was ready to knock the shit out of her. I was so mad. Kyle was sleeping. We were the only ones home, while everyone was in Jersey. I stared at his sleeping body and smiled awkwardly. Again. I put his blanket on him and kissed his cheek. I sat on the floor and scrolled through social medias. Kyle woke up and rubbed his cheek. "How do you feel?" I asked him, shutting my phone off. "Fine." He muttered. He kissed me and sat down next to me. He rested his head on my shoulder. I put my head lightly on his and sighed. "You hungry?" I asked. He nodded and I got up. I started to walk away but he got up fast and grabbed my hand. We both walked downstairs. I sat him down in a chair and kissed his cheek. "What do you want?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. He was looking down. He looked like he was gonna cry. I couldn't deal with him being sad. I ran out of the house and went to the pond. While I ran out I heard Kyle say my name. I'm sorry Kyle.
Kyle's POV:
"Stan?" I quietly said to myself while he ran out. I closed the front door and went up to my bedroom, and in my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror and started to cry. I knew it. I'm not good enough for anyone. I went to my room and grabbed a handheld pencil sharpener and a screwdriver. I locked myself in the bathroom and started to unscrew the sharpener. I took the blade and started to cut it across my wrist. I had three small cuts on the back of my wrist. I hid the bloody blade in my dresser on cleaned up the cuts. I started to stop crying but someone banged on the bathroom door. "Kyle?" I heard a familiar voice say. I wiped my tears and stopped crying. "What do you want" I replied dryly. "Look Kyle. I'm sorry. I just couldn't take seeing you upset so I just kinda... left for a bit." The voice said. They sounded like they were gonna cry. I heard him sit down on the floor and put his back to the bathroom door. I did the same, but on the other side. My cuts started to bleed again but I didn't care. "Kyle?" The voice said. "Please tell me you're still alive." The voice said, panicked. "Kyle I need you to stay alive for me." (Anyone tøp?) Stan said. He was definitely crying now. I was too. He got up and started to walk off. I unlocked the door and the footsteps stopped. I opened the door and looked down. I covered my arms with my hoodie sleeve. Stan hugged me tight. I hugged him back. I hope he never sees what I've done to myself. I waited until Stan left and I wrapped up my arm. I felt guilty. Does he still love me?

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