T h i r t e e n

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This chapter is only Stan's POV:
We went upstairs and sat on the bed. Kyle was so cute. I loved him. I don't want to ever hurt him again. I felt so bad. Kyle stood there, looking at the ground. I cupped his chins with my hands so he was looking at me. He smiled and blushed and his eyes looked down. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine babe" he replied, smiling. "Good" I smiled. I kissed him. It lasted for a while. He pulled away from the kiss and sat on my lap. Our faces close to each other. I put my hands on his legs and started to kiss him. I moved my hands up and down his legs. He started moan a tiny bit. He kept kissing me. We both pulled away. Kyle got up and pulled me up from my bed. "Wanna go to the pond?" He asked, biting his lip. I nodded and picked him up. "Wow you're light" I said, making him blush. We got outside and put him down. I squatted down and invited him to get on my back. He jumped on and I continued to walk. He leaned his head on mine. "Hey look babe! I'm as tall as you now!" He said, very happily. I laughed. We arrived at the pond and I put him down. He got in front of me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his legs and picked him up again. I carried him to the pond and we sat down near the water. He sat close to me, staring in the water. He noticed his reflection, then threw a rock at it and mumbled "ew". "You're not ugly baby." I said, not even making eye contact. "Oh shut up" he said, leaning against me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the side of his head. I closed my eyes and felt another arm wrap around me, removing Kyle's hand. "Hey Stan" the high pitched voice said. Kyle was speechless. Eyes wide. "what's your problem?" Kyle said to the voice. "You have a significant other. Go see them!!" Kyle yelled almost crying. I got up removing the arm. Petite face, long thin black hair. Wendy. "What the fuck Wendy? You're with Bebe!" I yelled. I grabbed Kyle's hand and pulled him closer to me just in case this bitch wants to punch him. "I may be with Bebe, but she doesn't need to know" she said seductively. "ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO FUCK ME WITH MY BOYFRIEND LITERALLY STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME?" I yelled. She bit her lip. Kyle was standing next to me, looking down and trying not to cry. "Cmon Kyle, we're going home." I said. Kyle gripped my hand tighter and started to walk. "Bye Stan" Wendy said with a wink. I flipped her off and continued walking. We were a few minutes away from my house. "Ow! What the fuck?!" Kyle yelled. He was on the ground. Someone shoved Kyle and replaced his hand with theirs. I look over. "Bebe?!" She winked at me. "WHY IS EVERYONE HITTING ON ME?!" I yelled, letting go of Bebe's hand. I helped Kyle up and grabbed his hand. We ran to my house and I locked the door. Kyle looked upset again. I ran over to him and hugged him. "It's okay baby." I comforted him. I rubbed his back. "I love you okay?" I told him. "I love you too..." he responded. "Forever and always." He said, kissing me once more.

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