T w e l v e

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(This chapter is only Kyle)
Kyle's POV:
Stan and I walked out of the locker room and headed over to another couple. They were holding hands and complimenting each other. "You look great today honey" one voice said. "GAH thanks!!" The other twitched. They looked over in our direction and smiled and waved. "Hey guys! Come over here!" The deeper voice yelled. Stan grabbed my hand and ran over to the other couple. Gym was kinda like a free period. The teacher was never here, so we all just hung out with everyone else. We reached the other couple and greeted each other. "Hey Craig! Hey Tweek!" Stan greeted. I smiled and waved. Craig had his arm around Tweeks thin waist. Stan noticed what Craig was doing and did the same to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I blushed. A lot. He smiled at me and continued talking to Craig and Tweek. As they where talking, I looked around at the people in the gym. Token was with Clyde, Butters with Kenny, Wendy with Bebe, and Cartman, doing his own thing. I smiled at the thought of fatass still being single. I also noticed Jesus, everyone's gay. There were gay couples everywhere. Cartman looked over at me and winked. I looked at him, disgusted and moved closer to Stan. (To the people that like Kyman, I will be shitting on that ship bc it's my least favorite ship. Sorry)
(Still Kyle)
Stan looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder. "You guys are GAH cute together!" Tweek twitched. We both blushed. Stan continued talking to the couple. I felt another hand wrap around my shoulder, removing Stan's arm. I prayed that it wasn't who I thought it was. Craig and Tweek looked at the person with wide eyes. Stan turned around and saw my eyes shut tight. "WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM CARTMAN?!" He yelled. Everyone was staring at us. "Khal is mine. Admit it Khal. You love me." Cartman shot. I removed his hand from my shoulder and punched him so hard in the nose, that i think it broke. Stan was cheering. Actually, everyone was. Cartman was on the floor and Stan walked over him. "Don't mess with my fucking boyfriend bitch." Stan spit on him as we walked into the locker room to change. Craig flipped him off and walked away. I changed while Stan stared at me again. "Pervert" I smirked at him. He smiled and laughed. He pulled me down on his lap and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned my head against his. The bell rang and it scared the shit out of us both. We both laughed it off and ran to next period. Our next period was art. We got to sit next to each other. We sat down and continued our projects. I saw Stan take out another piece of paper and draw something. He gave it to me and continued to work on his project. I opened it and smiled. It was a heart that said "I love you!!" It was cheesy, but adorable. I smiled at him and continued to work. Cartman was also in this class. I looked at his empty seat and smiled. Haha bitch. You'll never have me. Stan looked at me and smiled so big, I thought his smile would come off his face. The bell rang again and we left the classroom. We continued school. It ended so quick. We walked to Stan's locker. He grabbed his book bag and walked to my locker. I grabbed my book bag, and closed my locker. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Butters. Kenny stood behind Butters, wrapping his arms around Butters. Butters was blushing and smiling really big. "Hey fellas!!! That was really cool what you did in gym Kyle! It's finally time for someone to step up to Eric." Butters said, happily. "Thanks Butters!" I said back. Stan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the side of my head. I blushed. "You guys are really cute together!!" Kenny said, still wrapped around Butters. Stan looked at me and smiled. "We know" we both said at the same time. We laughed and smiled. "Well, bye fellas! See you two on Monday!!" Butters said as they walked off. We both waved. We were just about to leave as Wendy and Bebe walked up to us. Oh jeez. "Hey guys!" Wendy said, gripping Bebe's hand. We both waved and they walked off. I touched Stan's chest and got closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. We stood there for at least 5 minutes. Just us hugging and embracing. We let go of me and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the school. I was smiling really big. "Wanna come over baby?" Stan asked, smirking. Fuck I love when he does that. I smiled and nodded. I leaned my head on him. He was tall. He's 6 foot and I'm 5 foot 5. I loved how tall, and dominant he was. I blushed. I love him so fucking much. We fought, but we also let that go. We both have scars from our accidents. We promised not to hurt each other like that anymore. We arrived at his house and went upstairs to his bedroom.

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