Fear: Recovery

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Turns out a bruised torso and huge scratches weren't the true extent of my injuries, I had also cracked a few ribs.

But even so, I was up and walking four days after the incident. I was taking care of Gaster still. A broken bone is serious for a skeleton monster. Though it's more of a blow to the ego than it is a physical setback. They'll normally refuse to leave their homes until they're healed. It's kind of funny.

It took two weeks for him to even be willing to leave his room, but not the building. Two weeks of be caring for him, and not for myself. Because of that my injuries almost got infected a few times. But now the physical toll was setting in, some days it felt like I couldn't do more than open my eyes. But I still just sucked it up and forced my body to cooperate to care for Gaster. It was going fine, until I really couldn't get up. Alphys said the physical stress was taking a toll on the healing process.

"No, I'm alright. I promise." I insisted and Gaster glared at me. "No! No you aren't!" He protested and I just looked up at him, surprised. "Stop putting everyone else first! Care about yourself for once! You have four broken ribs, a serious bruise, very deep cuts, and it's almost gotten infected three times now and it's only been two weeks!" He sighed as he looked over me. "You're very pale. You're weak. You've lost a dramatic amount of weight. You're eyes are dull and your cheeks sink in. (Y/N), you look like you're dying. This isn't even a metaphors for how terrible your physical condition is, I mean you seriously seem to be decomposing before my eyes." He commented and I looked down at myself. "You've taken care of us. We're okay. Now let us help you. Let me help you."

I saw the sincerity and concern in his eyes, I saw the fear and hesitation in Alphys' when she looked at me. She thought the same as him. "Okay."

I was confined to the bed for a week.

With that, a routine started. In the mornings, Mettaton would give me breakfast and hang out a while, giving me words of encouragement. Then Alphys would come in and check my vitals and talk with me. By lunchtime Papyrus, Undyne, and sans would stop by and give me some lunch. They were all excited to talk to me, often sans would stay behind and talk with me a bit longer. It's usually some deep emotional shit. It's nice. Afterwards, Flowey will come and just sit around with me for a while. He claims it's because my window is where he can get the best breeze from 2-4, but I think he just wants to be my friend. Then Gaster has dinner with me, checks my vitals, and spends the rest of the night with me. He'll also drop in throughout the day when he has a spare moment.

A week of this and I could no longer be confined to a bed. I would walk around the room just to lay in other places. On the windowsill, on the floor, on some computers, wherever. After a few more days of this I was sitting up and walking around more. My stomach could finally handle more than bananas, bread, and rice.

"I think I'm going stir crazy." I commented once and it got me some weird looks. I've just been walking around, for days now. Around the room, restless. "Stir crazy?" Alphys asked and I nodded, "It's when, after being confined to one room for so long, you just. Lose it." I said, staring at the door, soon heading for it. I left the room despite protests. I needed something new.

I made my way to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Mettaton was there, "Oh, are you well enough to be out already?" "No. I just couldn't stand bein in that room any longer." I said, my foot tapping as I looked around, satisfied with my new surroundings. Stir crazy became a term all my friends learned within the day. All of them questioning why I was out, and I nearly started swinging at Undyne when she tried to grab me to carry me back to the room. "No! I don't wanna go back in there!" I said firmly, not yelling, but close. It was an assertiveness I rarely used. They seemed to get the message and nobody asked me to return to the room.

That night, I finally got to sleep in my room with Gaster.

I laid down, the softness of the bed relieving my back. I sighed as I relaxed. Soon, there was a large and warm body beside me. Gaster.

"I uh, I just wanted to thank you once again for saving our lives." He said and I shrugged, "It was no problem." I responded and he shook his head. "I've never seen anyone do that before. Physical combat. We've only ever used magic. It's been forever since I've seen someone use physical violence." I smiled some and then asked, "Then why is Undyne so buff if she doesn't use physical fighting?" "To show off. Compensation for feelings of inferiority. She can't just be good, she has to prove she's good to everyone who sees her by physical appearances."

I raised an eyebrow. Sometimes I feel like he looks a bit too much into people ever since he got his doctorate in psychology. "Well, that's, insightful." I chuckled softly, laughing only brought a dull ache now. I felt an arm wrap around my torso. Warm, large, comforting, not too heavy as to hurt me. Just resting on my stomach. I sighed softly at the feeling. It felt so nice. I curled up, facing away from him. He took the signal to scoot close, his arm still around me, his chest to my back.


I felt warm all over. We were asleep quickly.

Only moments later, while we were too tired to notice it, both of our souls began to glow.

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